Contracts & Grants Accounting

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  •   This table allows pre-award offices to easily compare preferable, acceptable, and not acceptable award terms and conditions along with other considerations and comments. Required Award Term Preferable Position Acceptable Position Not Acceptable Position Considerations Comments 1. Award Budget Period
  • Slide deck from the UC Office of the President on the UC Effort Reporting System - Cost Sharing. NOTE: The last effort reporting certification cycle at UCSF was completed in August 2020 for the period of January 1 through May 2, 2020. Effort reporting has been replaced by award verification.
  • This guide documents the basic steps for using the Intercampus Requests for Reimbursement (IRR) SharePoint Site for Principal Investigators. The IRR SharePoint site is a central repository for “invoices” between campuses (IRRs) for all UC locations. The goal of this SharePoint site is to make it easier for all ten UC campuses, DANR, and UCOP to submit and retrieve IRRs for Multiple Campus Awards facilitating more rapid payment. Documents are stored and maintained in the folders by the location being billed. For example, UC San Diego’s IRRs requesting payment from UC Davis are stored in the UC Davis document library.
  • This guide describes the steps to upload, email, delete, and view IRRs and Aging Reports in the Intercampus Requests for Reimbursement (IRR) SharePoint Site for staff users. The IRR SharePoint site is a central repository for documents (IRRs and Aging Reports) for all UC locations. The goal of this SharePoint is to make it easier for all ten campuses, DANR, and UCOP to submit and retrieve IRRs for Multiple Campus Awards facilitating more rapid payment. Documents are stored and maintained in the library by location being billed. For example, UC San Francisco’s IRRs requesting payment from UC Davis are stored in the UC Davis document library.
  • This guide describes the steps used by Site Administrators to add, remove, and modify users, IRRs and Aging Reports in the Intercampus Requests for Reimbursement (IRR) SharePoint.
  • Describes the UCSF procedures for requesting approval for additional compensation for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellows under National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants Policy Statement
  • The federal government and other sponsors define cost sharing as the portion of sponsored project costs not borne by the sponsor.  There are three types of cost sharing: Mandatory Committed Voluntary Committed Voluntary Uncommitted Award/proposal terms and conditions specifically require cost sharing, or cost sharing is agreed to between the institution and the sponsor when accepting a sponsored agreement.
  • This Quick Reference Guide explains the procedures for payment remittance for all sponsored projects. Instructions include payment remittance procedures for both paper checks and electronic funds transfer (EFT).
  • Learn what you can do now to get ready to use the Award Verification Tool beginning in April.
  • Access resources and training to view details, steps, demonstrations, or try actions available in the Award Verification Tool.
  • The Award Verification Tool was designed with built-in flexibility to meet the varied needs of research teams. The following workflow process diagrams illustrate a few of the ways to integrate the award verification process and use of the Award Verification Tool into local financial procedures. Your local award verification process and role assignments should complement and leverage your existing procedures such as PI/RSA meetings, and BSR or other financial reports.  Keep in mind that not all awards and projects within a PI's portfolio need to follow the same process; apply the process that best fits the specific situation.
  • Research Services Analysts (RSAs) have the ability to manage Program Manager assignments directly in RAS. The steps in this guide describe the procedure RSAs can follow to add the Program Manager Reporting Role to an award.
  • Contents Roles and Access Award Verification Procedure and Timing General Ledger Verification Reports Additional Resources
  • Review answers to common questions about award verification.
  • UCSF will implement a new award verification procedure in April 2021 to support Principal Investigators in meeting the requirements of Uniform Guidance for federal awards. Following are detailed considerations you can consider now to get ready to use the Award Verification Tool in April. Or you can choose to follow a more focused look at how to Get Ready for Award Verification. 
  • Use this checklist to assess your readiness to begin using the Award Verification Tool in April 2021 and as new sponsored awards are funded and set up in the Research Administration System (RAS).  More information is available on the Get Ready for Award Verification web page.
  • Issue Platform Mitigation Plan Resolution When using the Send and Email feature to email comments from the mobile app, comments entered with line breaks (by tapping the Return button) appear in the email message with "<BR>" in place of each line break. Mobile   This is a known issue with iOS 14.x versions 14.6 and higher. Upgrade to iOS version 15 to resolve. Users receive a "Stale Request" error when logging into the mobile app. Mobile   Closing and relaunching the mobile app will resolve the issue.
  • Award Principal Investigators (as documented in RAS) can view data, enter comments, review projects, and verify awards. Project Principal Investigators and Program Managers (as documented in RAS) can view data, enter comments, and review projects.  Multiple Principal Investigators (as documented in RAS) can view data and enter comments. Research Services Analysts (as assigned in RAS) can view data and enter comments.
  • Contents Guidelines for Using the Award Verification Tool Before You Verify a Sponsored Award Using Comments Using Award Verification Tool Reports Reviewing Non-Sponsored Projects Guidance for Selected Circumstances and Cost Categories Actions During Award Lifecycle Select Cost Categories Requiring Additional Oversight
  • Departments are responsible to ensure that billing is complete and payment is received per the terms and conditions of each award. In some cases, payments intended for research projects may not have enough information included with them to identify the correct project and distribute the funds appropriately. The Controller’s Office maintains the following tools to support departments in identifying incoming funds and distributing them to the correct sponsored award.
  • Function/Feature/Data Web Version Mobile Version UCSF VPN Required Not required Save a default Principal Investigator or Program Manager to view Available Not available Verify awards and Review projects Can verify multiple awards or review multiple projects with one action Can verify a single award or review a single project at a time Quarterly Award Verifications Due Section on dashboard Direct Balance Without Liens displayed
  • When non-payroll costs benefit two or more awards or projects it is required that departments understand the benefit to each award and document the allocation methodology used to charge each award. As non-compliance in documenting and applying a cost allocation methodology is an area of focus for all audits, adhering to the following best practices is recommended. Why is Cost Allocation Important? Uniform Guidance Subpart E §200.405 (d), Allocable Costs, stipulates that it is necessary to substantiate the proportional benefit of costs when costs benefit two or more projects.
  • This document outlines the reimbursement process and department responsibilities for tracking expenses related to childcare reimbursement programs for eligible postdoctoral scholars.
  • Diversity supplements are administrative supplements sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They are intended to improve the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting and supporting post-baccalaureate, pre-doctoral students, post-doctorates, and eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. This supplement opportunity is also available to Program Directors(s)/Principal Investigators(s) of research grants who are or become disabled and need additional support to accommodate their disability in order to continue to work on the research project.
  • Effort is the portion of time spent on a given professional activity expressed as a percentage of the total professional activity for which an individual is employed by the University of California. Total professional activity includes research, teaching, patient care, administrative and other University appointed activities. Effort is divided into three categories:
  • Access this course in the UC Learning Center that covers foundational information about Cost Transfers at UCSF.
  • Effort Reporting How-to Guide.
  • Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs are the costs that are incurred by a grantee for common or joint objectives that cannot be identified specifically with a particular project or program. These costs are also known as “indirect costs” or “overhead.” At UCSF, the Costing & Cost Recovery Policy & Analysis unit of Budget and Resource Management develops the F&A proposal and negotiates F&A rates with our assigned federal agency, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
  • Private sponsors of contracts and grants require periodic Financial Status Reports (FSRs) to help ensure that the funding they have provided is being spent in accordance with their policies and the approved budget. To help ensure that this process is performed timely, CGA sends an email notification to the RSA and to Principal Investigator 45 days prior to the reporting deadline. To create and submit a Financial Status Report to a private sponsor:
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Career Development Awards, commonly referred to as K awards, are intended to provide support and protected time for faculty to develop research skills and to ultimately ensure a pool of highly trained research scientists. There are three main types of awards:
  • This guide outlines the purpose and process for preparing and reversing a non-payroll accrual entry, which may be required in the Final Reporting, Final Invoicing and Closeout of Federal Awards. These procedures apply to Federal and Federal Flow-Through award except for clinical trials. For clinical trials and private awards, see Final Reporting, Final Invoicing and Closeout – Clinical Trials and Private Awards
  • This article outlines the purpose and process for preparing and reversing a payroll accrual entry, which may be required in the Final Reporting,Invoicing and Closeout of Federal Awards. See the article Final Reporting and Closeout of Federal Awards – Non-Payroll Accruals for instructions on preparing and reversing non-payroll accrual entries.
  • At UCSF, Principal Investigators and department research administrators work with the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) on pre-award activities from proposal development and submission through award negotiation and acceptance. OSR negotiates award terms on behalf of UCSF and the Regents of the University of California. 
  • Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) supports UCSF's mission by providing collaborative and advisory post-award management and financial oversight of sponsored research. CGA works collaboratively with Principal Investigators, research administrators, the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR), other University units, and sponsors from award set-up through close-out; managing billing, collections, and financial reporting as well as monitoring post-award compliance.
  • Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) is responsible for completing the setup of both new awards and award modifications in the Research Administration System (RAS) and ultimately generates a Project for the department and PI to use for spending on the award. Once setup is complete, the CGA Service Team notifies the PI, Research Services Analysts (RSA), and OSR Primary Analyst.
  • The proper administration of an award, including award spending, is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) and department. It is important the PIs and departments understand the terms and conditions of the award in order to fulfill the requirements outlined by the awarding agency. PIs are responsible for oversight of financial, scientific, and compliance aspects of the award. PIs and departments exercise budgetary control and ensure that expenditures incurred are within the authorized budget and period and that only those costs that are allowable, allocable and reasonable are charged.
  • Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) is responsible for financial reporting for sponsored awards. CGA works with Principal Investigators and departments to ensure that financial reporting is completed timely. Frequency of submission will vary and is based on the terms of each agreement or sponsor request. CGA prepares and submits financial reports for federal awards. For private awards, departments prepare financial reports and submit them to CGA for review and submission to the sponsor. CGA will always contact you before submitting a final financial report and may contact you with questions regarding the preparation of interim financial reports.
  • An award closeout is the final reconciliation and reporting of expenses and activities. This involves reviewing project expenditures, resolving open commitments, collecting subrecipient documents, and preparing required final reports and deliverables for submission to the sponsor. An automated notification from Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) will be sent to departments 45 days prior to the award end date that the award is coming to an end. Departments should then determine whether to request a No Cost Extension (NCE) or carryover. If the sponsor has pre-approved an NCE or carryover, then a confirmation from the departments should be sent to CGA via email.
  • The PeopleSoft Research Administration System (RAS) is the system of record for post-award contracts and grants including expense processing, budgeting, revenue recognition, billing, and payment. This guide describes key data in PeopleSoft RAS that are relevant to understanding an award.
  • The Research Administration System (RAS) is our system of record for post-award contracts and grants financial transactions used by campus/UCSF Health Research Services Analysts (RSAs) and the Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) unit of the Controller's Office throughout the award lifecycle. RAS is a module of the PeopleSoft financial system. RAS transactions include:
  • The Post Award Responsibility matrix shows Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) and Principal Investigator (PI)/Department responsibilities by function.
  • The Research Administration System (RAS) has seven inquiries that can be used to view and download data. This guide describes the required steps for Research Services Analysts (RSAs) to run these inquiries in RAS.
  • Research Services Analysts (RSAs) and department users with the appropriate access may use the UCSF PeopleSoft Financial System to update Project Details. This step-by-step guide explains the required steps to change the RSA assigned to a Project, the Project Nickname, and the Dept Preferred Posting Level.
  • This step-by-step guide outlines the process for accessing the RAS Invoice/Payment Reconciliation Report and reconciling invoices and payments in RAS to ensure that billing is complete and payment is received.
  • This guide provides an overview of active attributes used in PeopleSoft/Research Administration System (RAS), as well as the situations in which each attribute would be added to an award. Attributes are added to an award during setup and can be modified later by Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) if the characteristics of an award change. Attributes enable tracking and reporting based on various features of an award. The comment field of the Attribute will provide the unique details about the Attribute specific to the award; generally are excerpts of the award agreement clauses themselves.
  • This quick reference provides brief a explanation of each PeopleSoft/Research Administration System (RAS) Award Milestone.
  •   Sponsor Type Description Usage 01 Federal Government Departments, agencies, etc. of the United States government 02 State Government Departments, agencies, etc. of the State of California 03 Other Government Agency
  • This guide provides an overview of active terms used in PeopleSoft/Research Administration System (RAS), as well as the situations in which each term would be added to an award. Terms are added to an award during setup and can be modified later by Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) if the characteristics of an award change. Terms provide management with insight to compliance requirements. The comment field of the Term will provide the unique details about the Term specific to the award; generally are excerpts of the award agreement clauses themselves.
  • Research Services Analysts (RSAs) and department users granted the proper security may use the UCSF Research Administration System (RAS) to manage the Subawards issued under an Award. This step-by-step guide explains how to monitor the Subaward’s amounts authorized, amounts invoiced, and amounts paid. 
  • The following chart describes the selections for Flow Through Type that appear on the Flow Through detail page when creating a Subcontract proposal in RAS. When your proposal has an Agreement Type of Subcontract, you are required to select a Prime Sponsor and a Flow Through Type for your proposal. The nature of a subcontract is that you are requesting money from another institution that has an award from a sponsor such as NIH, DOD, or any other sponsor; the sponsor where the money originates is called the Prime Sponsor. For each proposal with an agreement type of Subcontract, you must use the detail page to identify the Prime Sponsor and Flow Through Type.
  • During Final Financial Reporting, Invoicing and Closeout of Sponsored Awards, departments ensure that all expenses are complete, accurate and allowable, and that costs from subawardees, other Dept IDs, and recharge units have been recorded in the General Ledger (GL). In situations when expenses have not been recorded in the GL, an expense accrual may be required. An expense accrual is the recording of the cost estimate for a product or service that was delivered during the award period but has not yet been recorded in the GL. Creating an accrual ensures that all direct expenses are properly recorded at Final Invoicing, Reporting and Closeout.
  • This step-by-step guide explains the process of navigating to and completing the Final Reporting Certification in RAS.
  • This step-by-step guide outlines the purpose for preparing budget entries that facilitate financial reporting and compliance management for sponsored research, along with the step-by-step process for preparing, editing, and submitting Budget Adjustment Journals in PeopleSoft.
  • Award Modification When project modifications (i.e., revised budgets, no-cost extensions, etc.) are necessary, principal investigators/departments must provide adequate justification and ensure required approvals are obtained. Modifications such as those listed below, typically require approval from the sponsor, RMS as well as CGA. Change in scope Change in Key Personnel Supplemental Funding Budgeting Revisions * Carryover Funding * Sponsor approved No-Cost Extension (NCE) Grant Transfers * If pre-approved by the sponsor, these items can be requested of CGA directly.
  • This page describes the escalation process to ensure that effort reports generated from the Effort Reporting System (ERS) are certified timely. Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) retired ERS on June 30, 2022. The last effort reporting certification cycle at UCSF was completed in August 2020 for the period of January 1 through May 2, 2020. All effort reports, including related certification activity through June 30, 2022, have been archived.
  • UCSF assigns the responsibility for financing overdrafts, unallowable charges and deficits as well as receiving surpluses to the department that owns the award. During the award lifecycle, situations may arise that require the use of a discretionary journal to transfer identified charges from an award to the department. After consultation with campus and in order to complete these transfers in an efficient, consistent, and timely manner, discretionary journals will use a default chartstring following the procedure outlined below.
  • This procedure streamlines the administrative steps needed to process certain award advances without increasing institutional risk. Use of an award advance allows for spending in the correct Award and Activity Period, minimizing cost transfers. Without an award advance, departments will need to record expenditures on a discretionary fund until the sponsor funds the award/budget period. Which awards qualify for an automatic advance? CGA Compliance will establish an advance in RAS for a continuation or supplemental year on a current award, including City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) awards, when:
  • New Award Setup Process When the appropriate unit within the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) completes the input and loading of appropriate documents into the Centralized Agreement Contract Tracking and Approval System (CACTAS), they hand off the record to CGA by populating the “Award Set-Up Queue” in CACTAS which indicates that the record is ready for processing.
  • A special state appropriation is a type of agreement which is a hybrid between a sponsored project and internal University of California agreement. Special state appropriations exist for all four tenets of the Mission Statement of the University of California, San Francisco: Instruction, Research, Patient Care and Public Service. For research purposes, a special state appropriation is a study that has been approved for funding internally by a University of California program. In this regard, a special state program has features of an intramural agreement. The primary University of California statewide research programs are:
  • Award Requirements All end of project financial reports must be received per the sponsor’s requirements and deadline. The financial report must accurately account for all expenditures. Institutions must liquidate all obligations incurred per the sponsor’s requirement and deadline. All awards must be closed out in the institution's financial system within 120 days of the project end date. All technical reports, progress reports, and other deliverables must be completed per the sponsor’s requirements and deadlines. Establishing the Award Trail Out Period
  • Program income is gross income earned by the University that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of a federal award, in whole or in part, during the period of performance. The period of performance is typically the award period but may be defined as alternative dates in the award document. Examples of program income include:
  • Participant support costs are defined in the Uniform Guidance as direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to, or on behalf of, participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences or training projects (except NIH Kirschstein-NRSA programs). Participant support costs do not include expenses incurred to incent or enable research subjects to participate in studies, such as gift cards, stipends, dependent care costs, parking fees and transportation.
  • This guide outlines the steps to prepare a non-payroll accrual entry, which may be required under Final Financial Reporting, Invoicing and Closeout of Sponsored Awards.
  • The Termination Notice (TN) documents the termination of appointments for National Research Service Award (NRSA) recipients.
  • This guide describes how to enter, edit, and submit Regular (Source Code 545) and Exception (Source Code 547) Sponsored Research Cost Transfer Journals.
  • An External Audit is a periodic or specific purpose audit conducted by external (independent) qualified accountant(s). Its objective is to determine, among other things, whether (1) the accounting records are accurate and complete, (2) prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and (3) the statements prepared from the accounts present fairly the organization's financial position, and the results of its financial operations.
  • The Educational Travel Grant Procedure was established to streamline the acceptance, processing, payment application, and close-out of nominal travel grants from select private sponsors. This procedure applies only to a small subset of travel grants and is not meant as a general substitute for normal grant submission, acceptance, and post-award procedures.
  • Award Purpose defines the type of sponsored award. For additional information on Award Purpose see the UCSF Research Administration Glossary located on the Office of Sponsored Research website Function defines the mission/purpose of the transaction. For additional information on Function, see the Quick Reference Guide “What Function Should I Use for My Activity?”
  • Effective April 1, 2015, the following procedures will apply to foreign currency awards. Exchange Rate Consideration The exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency. For example, the average exchange rate of the U.S. Dollar to the Euro for March, 2014 was 0.72. This means 1 U.S. Dollar was equivalent to 0.72 Euros. Fluctuation in exchange rates can have significant effect on the payments for sponsored research projects. All UCSF departments should be aware of the risks, including potential loss of Dollars, involved in agreements containing payment terms in foreign currency.
  • Overview These procedures set forth the accounting to move the deficit/overdraft or surplus associated with a sponsored award as well as to sweep the cost share for a sponsored award. These procedures ensure consistency in accounting treatment while allowing for proper mission-based reporting. Deficit Transfers Transfers are needed to clear overspending on an award which can result from:
  • Fund Numbers for 2015-16 though 2017-18 for State General Fund, General Fund Specific State Appropriations, and Special State Appropriation. 
  • Sample CGA notice of upcoming award termination. 
  • Name Certification Begin Date Certification Expiration Date Akbarian,Amy A. 6/1/2020 6/30/2025 Al-Kubati,Mohammed 8/23/2017 8/31/2022 Ames,Holly A. 5/19/2020 5/31/2025 Asato,Maria L. 5/27/2020 5/31/2025 Assaf,Cheryl E. 11/21/2022 11/30/2027 Asuncion,Rudy A. 1/3/2023 1/31/2028 BARLOW,ANTHONY NORRIS 1/1/2021 1/31/2026
  • Deposits logged in the Unapplied Cash Deposits list are now integrated into the Deposit/Payment Inquiry Report in the Research Administration System (RAS). See Identifying Unapplied Sponsored Research Payments for further guidance. The Unapplied Cash Deposits list previously available via UCSF box is no longer maintained.
  • Uniform Guidance reformed federal government procedures for assistance awards (e.g., grants and cooperative agreements) with the goal to increase accountability and transparency while reducing the administrative burden on award recipients. As a result, many peer organizations have implemented alternatives to effort reporting. Learn about alternatives to effort reporting under Uniform Guidance and how the award verification procedures being implemented at UCSF will leverage new and existing controls to meet the requirements of federal awards.
  • PIs and their research/support teams across UCSF have unique needs. The new Award Verification Tool, deployed on April 12, 2021, was designed to be flexible to meet the varied needs of different research teams. A critical planning step for award verification will be to determine how each research team will work together and use the Tool to ensure the verification of each sponsored award at least quarterly. In this session, we will highlight considerations for incorporating the Award Verification Tool into local business practices.
  • Award verification presentation materials are available for RSAs, department administrators, and others interested in sharing details locally about the Award Verification project. MyAccess login is required. If you have questions, email [email protected].
  • Establishing Journal Preparers and Approvers in PeopleSoft Take the two-part online course “Understanding PeopleSoft Journals” in the UC Learning Center. Completion of this course is required for access to PeopleSoft General Ledger and Journals. Journal Preparers must complete Understanding Journals: Journal Preparer Actions (opens in new window).
  • Read about UCSF's new award verification procedure being implemented in April, 2021. Award verification is UCSF's procedure to support Principal Investigators (PIs) in meeting the requirements of the Uniform Guidance for federal awards.
  • This reference details a history of enhancements to the Award Verification Tool. See Using the Award Verification Tool to view detailed instructions on using this application. April 2024 April 2024 enhancements to the web version of the Award Verification Tool: 1. Buttons to verify individual awards and review individual projects are replaced by checkboxes. Save time by selecting multiple awards or projects before verifying or reviewing. 2. Verify and review buttons in section headers have a new color scheme to enhance visibility.
  • This page outlines the steps required to authorize and apply a salary cap before it is available in UCPath for funding entries and salary cost transfers.
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series is designed as an introduction to post-award processes for new employees and is also a good knowledge refresher for those seeking a basic process review. There are five separate 90-minute modules in the PAM series; the PAM series is presented twice per year.
  • This step-by-step guide explains how to run the Department Accounts Receivable (AR) Invoice Inquiry Report from within PeopleSoft RAS.
  • Billing and collections is a collaborative effort requiring Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) and the individual department to partner together. Depending on the type of award, either CGA or the department will handle the procedures and responsibilities.  Broadly, CGA handles the majority of specific billing tasks including updating the Research Administration System (RAS) with the department reviewing RAS regularly and contacting CGA to ensure billing is complete and payment is received and applied correctly.
  • This article describes how Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) establishes and updates processing begin and end dates for applicable awards.
  • The following guide outlines the necessary steps for departments and Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) during final financial reporting, invoicing and closeout for all types of sponsored awards. While federal and non-federal awards are treated differently in some cases, in general the principles are the same. Variances are highlighted where appropriate.
  • In August 2024, the Department AR Invoice Inquiry report replaced the weekly RAS A/R Aging Report posted on the Controller’s Office website. The RAS A/R Aging Report will longer be updated starting September 1, 2024. Read more about this change and review step-by-step instructions on how to run the Department AR Invoice Inquiry report.
  • Departments use the PeopleSoft Research Administration System (RAS) to submit invoices for processing. This step-by-step guide explains how to submit fixed price invoices in RAS.
  • The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has developed charging practice guidelines for sponsored projects in accordance with the Uniform Guidance and associated Cost Accounting Standards (CAS).
  • This reference has been created to clarify indirect cost application when UCSF and another UC campus are working together on a specific activity requiring significant time and resource investment.
  • This guide defines program income, explains reporting requirements for program income on sponsored projects, and outlines how to account for program income using the accounting method required by the award.
  • A subaward is a formal legal agreement between the Regents of the University of California on behalf of its San Francisco campus (UCSF) and another organization (subrecipient). An outgoing subaward is used when a substantive portion of the programmatic work outlined in a UCSF proposal is conducted at another organization.
  • CGA service teams provide support based on award department. In order to ensure high quality service and compliance for certain special award types, these special awards are supported by a single team regardless of the department associated with the award.
  • The next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall will take place on Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 10:10 a.m. to noon via Zoom.
  • As announced in December, Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) updated procedures for requesting fixed price clinical trial milestone invoices in the Research Administration System (RAS). To help with the transition, CGA provided the option to retroactively associate previously processed prepaid lines associated with fixed price clinical trial milestones. The deadline to send invoices was January 31, 2025.
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. Currently scheduled and available for registration, the following sessions run from 10:10 a.m. to noon:
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. Currently scheduled and available for registration, the following sessions run from 10:10 a.m. to noon: 
  • Join the Next Research Administration Town Hall on March 13
  • You can now launch UCSF’s Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard (PAMDash) directly from MyAccess (opens in new window). Add PAMDash to your favorites to make access to extramural funding metrics even more convenient. PAMDash is managed by the Contract and Grants Accounting Project and Data Team. For questions, email [email protected] or visit the PAMDash help site (opens in new window).
  • The following new features are now available in the Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard (PAMDash). These enhancements reflect the continued collaboration between Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) and UCSF’s research administration community to provide self-service access to extramural funding metrics.
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. The first series of 2025 is now available for registration:
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. The first series of 2025 is now available for registration:
  • The next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall will take place on Tuesday, December 10, from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom. We will communicate further details about the Town Hall through the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams. We use Teams to communicate agendas, the Zoom webinar link, and any technical issues or updates during the Town Hall meetings. You can also use Teams to submit topic requests for upcoming Town Hall meetings. Instructions to join the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams are also available on the Controller's Office website.
  • Review a new step required in the Research Administration System (RAS).
  • The next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall will take place on Tuesday, December 10, from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom. We will communicate further details about the Town Hall through the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams. We use Teams to communicate agendas, the Zoom webinar link, and any technical issues or updates during the Town Hall meetings. You can also use Teams to submit topic requests for upcoming Town Hall meetings. Instructions to join the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams are also available on the Controller's Office website.
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. Below are the remaining sessions in the current series. All sessions run from 10 a.m. to noon:
  • Join the Next Research Administration Town Hall on December 10
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. Currently scheduled and available for registration, the below sessions run from 10 a.m. to noon:
  • Latest enhancements to the Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard (PAMDash)
  • The next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall will take place on Thursday, September 26, from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom. We will communicate further details about the Town Hall through the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams. We use Teams to communicate agendas, the Zoom webinar link, and any technical issues or updates during the Town Hall meetings. You can also use Teams to submit topic requests for upcoming Town Hall meetings. Instructions to join the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams are also available on the Controller's Office website.
  • The Post Award Management (PAM) training series (opens in new window) provides an introduction to post award processes and is presented twice per year in a series of five modules. We encourage all new research administrators and those seeking a refresher to join us. Currently scheduled and available for registration, the below sessions run from 10 a.m. to noon:
  • Here's what you need to know about award processing dates.
  • The next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall will take place on Thursday, September 26, from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom. We will communicate further details about the Town Hall through the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams. We use Teams to communicate agendas, the Zoom webinar link, and any technical issues or updates during the Town Hall meetings. You can also use Teams to submit topic requests for upcoming Town Hall meetings. Instructions to join the Research Administration forum on Microsoft Teams are also available on the Controller's Office website.
  • Register for an upcoming session of the Post Award Management training series.
  • At the start of Fiscal Year 2024-25, the Contracts and Grants Accounting Payments Desk implemented a new feature in RAS to streamline the application of payments to open invoices. Known as the Payment Predictor, this functionality automatically applies payments directly to invoices when the payment amount falls within a specific dollar threshold of the invoice amount. A payment within the threshold will automatically write-off any minor overpayment or underpayment. The RAS Invoice/Payment Reconciliation screen will indicate the write-off with a WU (write-off underpayment) or WO (write-off overpayment) entry and a zero balance.
  • Identify and reconcile open invoices where payment is not received or applied.
  • Register for an upcoming session of the Post Award Management training series.
  • Join the next Research Administration (RA) Town Hall.