Departments are required to submit proof of expenditures with all replenishment requests for research subject payments. In lieu of submitting individual receipts, departments may submit a disbursements log to document expenditures.
Departments must document the following information on the log:
- Research study IRB #
- Payment date
- Research subject name or department confidential identifier
- Payment amount
- Research subject initials
- Custodian initials
- Principal Investigator signature and date. Signature should be obtained when the log is complete and ready to submit to the Cash and Controls Team for processing.
Every visit by the research subject must be recorded separately in the log document; do not combine visit payments into one lump sum amount.
It is important that departments keep accurate logs of the total payments a research subject participant receives in a calendar year. Per UCSF Administrative policy 300-44 - Petty Cash and Change Funds, cash payments to each research subject shall not exceed $150 per visit. Departments must notify Supply Chain Management Accounts Payable for disbursements to a research subject totaling $600 or more in a year.