Form Instructions
Use this form for ALL capital project transfers and for transfers greater than $1M.
If you have any questions about the transfer of funds process or need help completing this form, contact Gift & Foundation Accounting.
- Download the form using Adobe Acrobat, fill it out online, print the form, then manually sign it. (See #5 below for who may sign the form.) Alternatively, you may print out the form and type in the information. Retain a copy of the signed form for department files.
- Close Account? Account should be closed only if no further funds are expected to be received for the purpose associated with the account. For example, the program is being discontinued and the department does not plan to solicit further gifts for the program. Funds with zero balance are not automatically closed; the Foundation Business Office will close a fund only at the request of the department.
If the Transfer Request indicates the account is to be closed then STIP that has been earned but not posted will be transferred to the Regents mirror fund when final STIP is posted. - Amount. Type in the exact amount to be transferred. Requests in excess of WebLinks available balances will delay the transfer.
- Use/Purpose. Funds can only be expended for the purpose for which they were given. Signature by the authorized person affirms that funds will be used according to the stated terms.
- Departmental Approval/Signature. Only persons with authority over the funds may sign this form. The Foundation assumes that department chairs are authorized, unless otherwise instructed. All authorized signers must have a signature on file with the Foundation Business Office. See the separate online form to update signature authorizations.
- Mail the signed original of this form via campus mail to:
Transfer of Funds Request
UCSF Foundation
Box 0248 - Regents mirror funds are set up by Gift Administration, usually at the time of the first transfer request. Notification of the Regents mirror fund number is sent to the department at the time that it is established. The Foundation will complete the Transfer of Funds Request Form, indicating the new fund number, exact amount transferred (could be different from requested amount due to STIP on a close out request), MR#, check number, and journal number; a copy of the form showing the information will be sent to the department contact.