The Fund chartfield is a 4-character alphanumeric value which, in broad terms, identifies the source of money. Fund identifies the source of financial support and demonstrates restrictions imposed by the governing board or in accordance with regulations, restrictions, or limitations imposed by sources outside the institution. It is a required field on revenue, expense, and transfer transactions.
Individual funds beyond the summary level are not established for internal unrestricted purposes. Funds for gifts, endowments and sponsored projects will also be in summary form. The granular related information for the purpose or activity related to each gift or sponsored project is tracked using the Project chartfield.
To request a new Fund chartfield be established when a fund source is needed to track an external restriction imposed by the governing board or in accordance with regulations, restrictions, or limitations imposed by sources outside the institution: After downloading and opening with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader, complete the form and click the Save and Submit Form button. Send the email that pre-populates in your system-designated email program.