Enhancements to the Award Verification Tool - May 12, 2021

The following enhancements were migrated to the Award Verification Tool on May 12, 2021. Review updates to known issues on the System Information page.

  • Comments
    • When the Include in History PDF checkbox is selected during entry of a comment, the Comments section will display a folder icon.
    • Faculty Mentor and OSR Analysts roles assigned in RAS are no longer loaded into the Award Verification Tool. As a result, PIs who also have Faculty Mentor role assignments in RAS will no longer see comments for these awards on their Award Verification dashboard.
  • During the sponsored project review process, the label of the attestation window was changed from "PI Review" to "PI/Program Manager Review".
  • When an individual is assigned both the Project PI and Program Manager role for the same project, completion of a review is reflected in the Project PI Review Completed section instead of the Program Manager Review Completed section.
  • The Non-Sponsored Project Summary view now displays the Non-Sponsored Projects section when drilling from a Non-Sponsored Project (as Project PI).
  • PIs and Program Managers who changed award or project assignments in RAS since the Award Verification Tool pilot release on December 1, 2020, will see only current awards and projects in their portfolio upon logging in to the Tool. When running the Verification Status Report by RSA, RSAs will see only current award assignments. Historical assignments have been removed.
  • PI's Verification History
    • PI's Verification History includes current award role assignments for PIs, Program Managers, and RSAs at the time of verification.
    • PI's Verification History no longer includes Base Salary and % of Base fields.
    • A performance enhancement was added to generate the History PDF file, available from the PI's Verification History report. As the History PDF files take time to generate, they will now be processed in a batch job. A warning message will display on the PI’s Verification History page to check back by returning to the report page in 15 minutes. Note: if you stay on the PI Verification screen and wait 15 minutes, you must refresh your web browser to access the download file.
  • Where available, the Excel download version of the Verification Status Report includes the Business Officer name and email address associated with the award Dept ID (or a parent Dept ID when no Business Officer is assigned to the award Dept ID).