A UCPath defect (opens in new window) that has resulted in incorrect hours, pay percentages, and effort percentages on the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) reports since October 2021 will be resolved this month. The defect is observed on leave earnings distribution lines and the corresponding “Reg-like” offsetting lines where the lines do not have equal and opposite hours and effort percent. When running the DPE by earnings end date, the effort percent and hours will be slightly off. Paycheck amounts were not impacted.
The defect was partially resolved with the posting of the February labor ledger, reducing by 80% the number of incorrect leave offset transaction lines. This issue is expected to be fully resolved with the posting of the March labor ledger. The effort to clean up historical transactions on the October 2021 through February 2022 labor ledgers is still under analysis by the UCPath Center and is not yet scheduled for release.