In April, we introduced UCPath Finance at a Glance, a new monthly communication for UCSF’s community of UCPath transactors and finance administrators. Born out of feedback from UCSF's UCPath Customer Advisory Board (opens in new window) on how to improve communications to department transactors, it provides a monthly digest of recent news, updates to known issues, and enhancement initiatives relevant to our finance community.
UCPath Finance at a Glance is distributed by email to individuals on the UCPath-Users listserv and is also available as an opt-in mailing list. If you are not on the auto-generated UCPath-Users list and want to join the mailing list:
- Send an email with no subject to: [email protected]
- Enter this one line in the message: subscribe UCPath-Finance firstname lastname
- Make sure you delete your signature information from this email before you send it
You will receive an email requiring you to confirm your subscription. You must be connected to the UCSF network locally or via VPN in order to confirm your subscription.