In recent months, MyReports users may have noticed an increase in occurrences when the nightly refresh runs later than 7 a.m. The recent increase in refresh processing time is mainly attributed to an increase in daily transactions and related processing in the source systems that feed MyReports.
MyReports continues to be available on days when a nightly refresh batch runs longer than expected. When accessing MyReports prior to the batch completion, all data except the prior day’s activity is available for reporting. On days when refresh processing will not finish before 7 a.m., alerts within the application keep users apprised of the refresh status until it has completed.

The Controller’s Office is facilitating a cross-functional review with our integration partners to examine technical infrastructure and business processes with the aim of reducing processing times and providing refreshed reports by 7 a.m. Look for updates on these efforts in future editions of the Controller’s Office Newsletter.