UCPath is on track to deliver a significantly redesigned Salary Cost Transfer process to UC campus locations. The redesigned process aims to improve the UCPath experience for the more than 600 Salary Cost Transfer Initiators and Approvers at UCSF by:
- Reducing the complexity of current data entry and processing steps
- Addressing data accuracy, page performance, and processing performance issues
- Allowing greater flexibility to transfer distribution lines by earnings end date without paycheck restrictions
- Adding system logic to enforce validation only for distribution lines being transferred
- Developing a new batch process that results in more frequent postings to the General Ledger
UCSF has been actively engaged in developing systemwide requirements for the redesign. In conjunction with our UCPath Customer Advisory Board, a subcommittee representing our department transactors has contributed to identifying pain points, surfacing ideas, and validating requirements for the system update.
Salary Cost Transfer Initiators and Approvers should expect the redesigned process to go live in late November 2022. User acceptance testing begins mid-October and will include campus department participants nominated by the Customer Advisory Board.
Look for updates about the go-live timeline and training opportunities in future editions of the Controller’s Office Newsletter and UCPath Finance at a Glance. If you have questions about the current or future salary cost transfer process, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center.