In July 2019, UCSF implemented a policy to provide Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP) faculty a 12-week childbearing and childrearing (CB/CR) leave benefit. To support CB/CR leaves the campus applies an assessment to HCOMP faculty salaries. Salary and benefit expenses incurred while on a CB/CR leave are charged to the faculty’s normal department funding and are reimbursed from the CB/CR assessment pool.
Relief to department funding for CB/CR leaves has been completed by salary cost transfer since 2019. This relief method has been inconsistent and slow since the transition to UCPath, resulting in a backlog of reimbursements. In order to resolve the backlog and move forward with a timely reimbursement process, relief to department funding going forward will be completed by financial journal.
The CB/CR backlog of reimbursements will be cleared by financial journal in the March accounting period and recorded using Journal ID 09PRCBCRREL. The journal line description for each relief transaction will reference the employee ID and the earning period being relieved in the format MMYY.
As an example, for journal line description "CBCR109909900721":
- "10990990" represents the employee ID
- "0721" reflects the earning period relieved (July 2021)

Revised Relief Process
Consistent with the current practice, the posting of relief to department funding will occur upon the completion of the following events:
- The faculty member returns from an eligible childbearing/childrearing leave.
- The faculty member confirms their return to work with Human Resources, and the dates of eligible leave are confirmed and finalized.
- Human Resources communicates the final dates to the Controller’s Office.
The Controller’s Office will process a financial journal to credit faculty funding for the dates they were confirmed to be on an eligible CB/CR leave.
Upon confirmation by HR, all credits for the entire leave period will post in the month the faculty member returns from leave.. The relief cannot be processed mid-leave because the dates of eligibility are subject to change and are not finalized until the faculty member returns.
How will I identify if my funding has been reimbursed?
A PeopleSoft financial journal with Journal ID beginning with "MMPRCBCRREL" (where “MM” represents the accounting period) will be prepared on a monthly basis. The journal will credit the original department chartstrings charged salary and benefits during the CB/CR leave and will debit a central liability account where the assessment is pooled. The relief transactions will contain a reference to the employee’s ID and the earning period being relieved.
The reimbursement will not appear on the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) Report. The original expense will be visible on the DPE, while the reimbursement will be visible on the Transaction Detail Report (TDR) and other General Ledger sourced reports.
Can I perform a Salary Cost Transfer of CB/CR earnings?
You may perform a salary cost transfer of CB/CR earnings; doing so will not automatically transfer the relief credit. If you need to move the relief credits you will need to complete a financial journal.
The reimbursement will be to the original chartstring charged; however, if you transfer the salary prior to the completion of the relief journal, the Controller's Office will apply the relief credit to the chartstring to which the salary was transferred.
What if I don’t see a relief credit to my department chartstring?
If the faculty member has returned from leave and you do not see a relief credit processed your first step should be to contact your Academic Leave Specialist (opens in new window) to validate that the dates of the eligible leave have been confirmed and finalized and the complete status communicated to Payroll. If confirmed as complete you can open a case with the Controller’s Office Solution Center to confirm when the credit will be processed.