Starting April 2024, Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) will streamline escalation notifications for awards that are out of compliance with the award verification process.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Quarterly Notification Schedule: the simplified escalation process will send quarterly notifications for overdue awards in January, April, July, and October.
- Verifications Past Due by One to Three Months: the Principal Investigator (PI) and Research Services Analyst (RSA) will receive notification of all awards with verifications up to three months overdue. RSA notifications will group awards with overdue verifications by the Award PI.
- Verifications Past Due by Four or More Months: CGA will notify the Department Financial Administrator, Award PI, and RSA of all awards with verifications overdue by four or more months.
Failure to complete award verifications at least quarterly will result in an escalation of past due award verifications. The lack of completed verifications may jeopardize the submission of future proposals, cause a proposal to be withdrawn, and/or result in the transfer of personal services and other unverified expense activity to an unrestricted fund.
If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to [email protected].