UCPath Changes Earnings Date Logic for Retro Pay Benefit Expenses

In July, UCPath changed how benefits expenses are recorded for retroactive pay. This change impacts the "Earn End Date" values you will see in the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) reports in MyReports.


Previously, retroactive charges for benefits - including consolidated benefit rates (CBRs), vacation leave assessments (VLA), and General Automobile and Employee Liability (GAEL) insurance - were incorrectly associated with the earnings period in which they were processed rather than the earnings period in which they were generated. This made it challenging for departments to accurately reconcile benefit costs back to the correct earnings period.

What's Changed?

Effective with the July 2024 payroll processing periods, the "Earn End Date" on the DPE for benefits expenses for retroactive pay will reflect the period in which the corresponding pay was originally earned. This change facilitates more accurate reconciliation and reporting.

UCPath will not update earnings dates for retroactive benefits expenses processed before the July implementation.

If you have questions, please contact the Controller's Office Solution Center.