December 2024 Enhancements to the Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard

The following new features are now available in the Proposal and Award Metrics Dashboard (PAMDash). These enhancements reflect the continued collaboration between Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) and UCSF’s research administration community to provide self-service access to extramural funding metrics.

  • New dashboard page:
    • A new Award Volume dashboard page based on Award Begin Date shows the count of awards monthly, yearly, and year-to-date.
  • New and updated data filters for the following:
    • Proposal Action Type: A new filter in the Proposal Summary, Proposal Amount, and Proposal Detail By Year dashboard pages allows users to view proposals based on Proposal Action Types: New, Renewal, Transfer In, Supplement, Continuation, and Resubmission.
    • RSA Name: This filter is now labeled Dept RSA Name on all dashboard pages that limit proposals and award data to the primary project Research Services Analyst (RSA) assigned.
  • New metrics and data elements:
    • A new Cumulative Diversity Supplements by Funding Entry Counts metric on the Diversity Supplement dashboard page shows monthly cumulative volume of awards with Diversity Supplement award modifications by fiscal or calendar year. Modifications will be counted in the month the funding was added (Funding Added) or the funding start date (Prorated Funding) based on the Funding Type filter value selected.

How To Get Started

Log into PAMDash (opens in new window) to experience the new features (MyAccess login and UCSF network/VPN connection required).

Join CGA for an upcoming demonstration session to see the new features, walk through common scenarios for using the dashboard, and get answers to your questions:

PAMDash is managed by the Project and Data Team within CGA. If you have any questions about PAMDash, email