Submitting Private Contract/Grant Financial Status Reports (FSR) to sponsors

Submitting Private Contract/Grant Financial Status Reports (FSR) to sponsors

Private sponsors of contracts and grants require periodic Financial Status Reports (FSRs) to help ensure that the funding they have provided is being spent in accordance with their policies and the approved budget. To help ensure that this process is performed timely, CGA sends an email notification to the RSA and to Principal Investigator 45 days prior to the reporting deadline.

To create and submit a Financial Status Report to a private sponsor:

  1. Download the appropriate template
    1. Private Contract or Grant Financial Report Template – Current Period if the sponsor requires reporting for the current budget period only
    2. Private Contract or Grant Financial Report Template – Cumulative Report if the sponsor requires reporting for both the current period and cumulative reporting for the entire project period
    3. If the sponsor contractually requires a different FSR format, use one of the above templates and modify as necessary.
    4. In the rare instances when the sponsor’s form requires significantly more information, please contact Contracts and Grants Accounting if you need assistance
  2. Complete the template at the budget detail level specified in the award agreement
  3. Confirm content of FSR with Principal Investigator
  4. Submit completed and reviewed FSR to the CGA Service Desk
  5. CGA will submit the FSR to sponsors with Online Portals, otherwise will provide the approved/signed report to the department administrator for submission to all other private sponsors.

Sample Private Financial Report:


Award Information and Certification Section:



Financial Information Section:



Unlike financial reports to private sponsors, all Federal Financial Reports are prepared by CGA. For more information on the Federal report process, see Final Financial Reporting, Invoicing and Closeout of Sponsored Awards.