Since our UCPath implementation we have been experiencing several defects that have resulted in inflated vacation leave assessment (VLA) and residual benefit amounts remaining for VLA and UCRP Supplemental (UCRP-S) interest following a salary cost transfer. The underlining system defects have been resolved by the UCPath Center. In April, the Payroll Office will complete the historical cleanup of the General Ledger to clear residual benefit amounts and correct leave assessments.
The historical cleanup will be completed by financial journal and will not be reflected in the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE), which will remain out of alignment with the General Ledger for these benefit amounts. If you have a ServiceNow ticket open with the Payroll Office and an accrual entry was done to temporarily correct one of these defects, we will be reaching out to close your ticket when the correction is posted and your accrual is reversed.
If you have questions, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center.