The Award Verification mobile app provides convenient access to the Award Verification Tool when you are away from your computer. The mobile app is available now for Apple iOS devices and is planned for release later this month for Android devices.
Is the mobile app for you?
The mobile app is designed to help Principal Investigators (PIs) and Program Managers complete essential tasks:
- identify awards due for verification
- view award and project data
- read and enter comments
- review projects
- verify sponsored awards
Department finance and research administrators can download and share an electronic flyer to help PIs and Program Managers determine if the mobile app is right for them.
Research Services Analysts (RSAs) and other users may also find the mobile app to be a convenient option to view key award and project information on the go. Use the web version of the Tool when access to analysis tools including MyReports or verification status and history reports are needed, and when comments require an attachment to justify actions or expenses. Anyone who relies on the Verification Status Report to monitor award verification activity across multiple PI portfolios will need to use the web version of the Tool. You can review the key differences between the web and mobile versions of the Tool on the Controller’s Office website to determine which version will work best for you.
Get started using the mobile app
All authorized users of the Award Verification Tool can now download the mobile app to their Apple iOS devices. To learn more about using the mobile app, watch a brief demonstration on these three essential tasks:
- How PIs verify a sponsored award
- How PIs review a project
- How Program Managers review a sponsored project
Go to the Controller’s Office website to find additional information on using the Award Verification Tool. If you have questions about award verification, email [email protected].