The Foreign Affiliate Transaction Detail Report displays transaction information in foreign currencies related to established operations in foreign countries. Intended only for use by UCSF Global Programs accounting teams, the Business Units allow for the recording and reporting of transactions in each country's respective local currency. This step-by-step guide explains how to filter and run the report.
What can I learn from the FA-TDR Report?
- Provides accurate and timely information for researching and sampling of transactions in foreign currencies.
- Facilitates reconciliation to source documents and/or source systems.
- Displayed when drilling through for more details from other Foreign Affiliate reports.
Report Date Filters
Choose the date range using the From and To dropdown menus. The default date range is set to the current open accounting period.
Chartstring Filters
- Select Business Unit (BU), or multiple BUs – this is a required (*) field.
- Enter the Account and/or any other chartfield parameters desired. At least one of the conditionally required fields denoted by an orange triangle (▲) must be used.
See the Filtering and Running Reports in MyReports job aid for additional information and tips & tricks for using the filters to configure your report criteria.
Report Specific Filters
You can refine your search with the following filters:
- Choose to display a specific Journal ID, Journal Preparer, and/or Source Code.
- Display Codes and Descriptions – Display Codes Only (default), both Codes and Descriptions, or Descriptions Only.
- Report Sort 1 and Report Sort 2 allow you to apply one or two sort criteria to the report output and will generate subtotals by sort group.
Report Output
- In addition to the report output selections of On Screen HTML (default), PDF, and Excel , you can choose Unformatted Data.
- The Unformatted Data output returns an Excel file that has no special formatting and a single row for column headings, making it the best source for pivot tables and other advanced spreadsheet analysis.
- Select your desired report output and click the Run Report button .
Working in the Report View
The FA-TDR returns data in list format without subtotals or groupings. However, you may further refine your report using the Sort 1 and Sort 2 options to group and sort records accordingly with a subtotal in each grouping.
- Click the Sort 1 drop-down and select a value from the list.
- If desired, select a second desired grouping from the Sort 2 drop-down.
- Click Update.
Your report is refreshed and now displays data in your chosen groups with subtotals.
Tips and Tricks
- Run a FA-TDR for the narrowest criteria applicable:
- If you require detailed transaction information, filter your FA-TDR for the shortest date range and lowest Dept ID.
- By default, Account Level F is displayed in the FA-TDR.
- The FA-TDR only displays transactions for the time period selected and does not display information for Period 0 balances.
- The FA-TDR aggregates records with identical transaction attributes into a single row with summarized amounts.
- The foreign currency used in each transaction can be found in the Currency Code column.
- To display transactions that are missing chartstring attributes, enter a dash (-) in the corresponding filter to select ‘- Blank’. For example, entering a dash (-) in the DeptID filter will display all transactions without a DeptID value.
- Data in MyReports are available from FY2023-24. For historical data prior to FY24, please use the JRNL_LINE_DETAIL_LOCAL query in PeopleSoft.
Additional Information and Assistance
- More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
- If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
- To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.