RAS Attributes Glossary

This guide provides an overview of active attributes used in PeopleSoft/Research Administration System (RAS), as well as the situations in which each attribute would be added to an award. Attributes are added to an award during setup and can be modified later by Contracts & Grants Accounting (CGA) if the characteristics of an award change. Attributes enable tracking and reporting based on various features of an award. The comment field of the Attribute will provide the unique details about the Attribute specific to the award; generally are excerpts of the award agreement clauses themselves.

Attribute Type




Billing under LOC 1490P

  • Federal Letter of Credit (LOC) billing to a subaccount instead of the historical pooled account



  • CACTAS number related to the award
  • Present on every award since the implementation of the field in March 2016


Carry Forward Authority

  • When UCSF does not have the authority to carry forward unspent budget without additional sponsor approval


CFDA Number

  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
  • Identifies the Federal program related to award’s funding
  • Required all Federal grants, cooperative agreements and other types of assistance (not contracts), including Federal flow-through


F&A Waiver Number

  • Approval has been granted to use a different rate than UCSF’s standard negotiated rate with the sponsor


FDP Award

  • Federal Demonstration Partnership
  • A subaward agreement issued with another institution participating in the FDP and using a FDP template, which includes specific administrative and reporting requirements used by FDP participating organizations


Federal Contract Reporting Req

  • Special man-hour reporting requirements to the Federal government
  • Typically required on all DOD and DHHS contracts



  • Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
  • Federal requirement mandating Prime Sponsors to capture and report key information from each subawardee


Hybrid Billing on this Award

  • Award with both Fixed Price and Cost Reimbursable components


Line Item Budget – Sponsor Req

  • Budget must be broken down at a line-item level (more detail than only Direct and Indirect cost categories) per the sponsor’s specific requirements


Award with Open Ending Date

  • Award without a defined ending date in the award documents
  • Generally only applicable to clinical trials


Program Income

  • Gross income earned by the University that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of a Federal award, in whole or in part, during the period of performance.
  • Award agreement stipulates whether the program income will be additive or deductive to the obligated budget; generally, additive


SEFA R&D Cluster

  • Schedule of Expenditures and Federal Awards – reporting requirement used to facilitate the audit of sponsored research expenditures
  • Indicates that the award falls within the Research and Development category of the SEFA, enabling CGA to consolidate the needed information to prepare the annual report


Refund Contract Clause

  • Sponsor requirement that UCSF is obligated to return unspent funds to the sponsor


SNAP Award

  • Streamlined, Non-Competing Award Process
  • Federal authority that waives or simplifies annual reporting requirements and indicates auto-carryforward authority


STIP Requirement

  • Sponsor requirement that the STIP (i.e., interest) is required to be calculated, tracked, and managed
  • For additional information on STIP, see https://brm.ucsf.edu/stip