Strategic Initiatives
Controller’s Office Strategic Initiatives brings together key customer facing areas to build a strong brand for the Controller’s Office, and carry out activities that support the Controller’s Office mission of creating value for customers.
Strategic Projects Group
Works with Controller’s Office units and their customers to design and implement new and improved financial, budget and forecasting systems, and business processes to meet critical campus financial reporting, financial planning, compliance, and business information needs.
MyReports Team
Provides functional support to MyReports system users, develops and implements enhancements and new reports in collaboration with the MyReports Advisory Group and UCSF’s Information Technology teams, and works with IT to maintain system availability.
Controller’s Office Solution Center (COSC)
COSC provides single point of contact support to campus departments, employees, vendors, and others to resolve inquiries related to most Controller’s Office functions and systems.
Communications, Training, and Website Team
Provides effective change management, and develops materials and training to support individuals working in financial operations throughout UCSF.