An Introduction to Cost Transfers at UCSF

This course covers foundational information about Cost Transfers at UCSF.

Duration: Self-paced

Intended Audiences

This course is:

  • Required for those with the responsibility to initiate and/or approve cost transfers and must be completed before being granted the following roles:
    • Departmental Cost Transfer Reviewer in PeopleSoft
    • Salary Cost Transfer Initiator in UCPath
    • Salary Cost Transfer Approver in UCPath
  • Recommended for:
    • Leadership with financial oversight who should understand the transactions that their staff are preparing and posting
    • Departmental administrators that complete General Ledger Verification (GLV) or have oversight of expenses for a PI, Department, or specific Project
    • Those responsible for monitoring the payroll and/or effort for a Department or Project
    • Everyone who purchases goods or services for a department where further allocation could be necessary
    • All staff who play a role in the late cost transfer process
    • Anyone else wishing to understand more about Cost Transfers

This is a Certification Course

Completion of this training certifies the learner for 5 years.

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