How to Run RAS Inquiries (for RSAs)

The Research Administration System (RAS) has seven inquiries that can be used to view and download data. This guide describes the required steps for Research Services Analysts (RSAs) to run these inquiries in RAS.

About RAS Inquiries in the Proposals Folder

Three inquiries are available under the Proposals folder and return proposal data:



Report Uses

Inquiry by RSA or PI

Provides an overview of pre-award activities by RSA and/or PI

  • Show all proposals “In Production” for a specified PI
  • Show all proposals “In Production” for a specified RSA
  • Show all Proposals “Awarded” for a specified PI

Inquiry by Dept ID

Provides an overview of pre-award activity by Dept ID, Action, Agreement Type, Purpose, and/or for a specified Sponsor Due Date Range

  • List proposals due to the sponsor within a specific time period
  • View all Continuation Proposals for a Dept Code
  • View all Proposals with a Purpose of Instruction

Note: These first two inquiries return a single line for each proposal. The dollar amounts displayed are for the first budget period only (the first budget period for all projects is summed). These inquiries are good for counting proposals, but not for totaling proposed funding.

Inquiry for Proposal Budget

Provides an Overview of pre-award budgets by Dept ID, PI, Sponsor, and/or type of proposal.

  • Summarize a PI’s portfolio of submitted proposals for possible incoming funding
  • Summarize a Department’s portfolio of submitted proposals for possible incoming funding
  • Determine the proposed funding for a select time period
  • Determine the proposed funding from a given Sponsor

Note: This inquiry returns a single line for each Project Budget Period within a Proposal. A proposal with five projects over four years (budget periods) will return 20 lines of data. This inquiry is best used for totaling proposed funding, but not for counting proposals. This inquiry may be best viewed after downloading to Excel.


Follow the instructions in the section below to run one of these three inquiries.

How to Run Available Inquiries in the Proposals Folder

  1. Log into MyAccess (opens in new window) (not shown). Scroll down to locate and select PeopleSoft Financials from the application menu. If you have set MyAccess to display "Favorites", you may need to change to "All Apps" or search for PeopleSoft.
  2. Click on the Research Administration tile , then the RAS Menu tile , then Proposals , followed by the Inquiry name you want to run .
  3. Enter search criteria into one or more fields at the top of the inquiry to limit the amount of information returned. Some fields have a lookup button or a drop-down list to help you identify and enter the correct data .
  4. Click the flashlight icon to execute the inquiry .
  5. Results are displayed at the bottom of the page:
    • Click a column heading to sort the report by that column .
    • Click the Grid Action Menu icon and select Download Details Table to Excel to export the report to Excel .

If no data is entered into data fields, all accessible data will be returned. Running an inquiry without entering data into the fields at the top of the page may be slow. Remember, data is not limited by department or user.

About RAS Inquiries in the Department Based Reports Folder

Four inquiries are available under Department Based Reports and return post-award data (awards):



Report Uses

Proposal Report by Department

Provides an overview of proposal activity by Dept ID, sponsor, PI, RSA

  • Review the number of proposals for specific actions for a department, sponsor, PI, or RSA
  • View proposal activity for a specific status

Awards Report by Department

Provides an overview of awards for departments

  • Review awards for a specific sponsor
  • Review a departments awards start and end dates
  • Review expected funding

Award Budget Inquiry

Provides an overview of award activity by Dept ID, RSA, PI, and/or sponsor

  • Summarize a PI’s portfolio of contracts and grants
  • View an RSA’s post-award workload
  • Determine the number of award actions for a select time period
  • List the award for a particular sponsor

Subawards Report by Department

Provides an overview of a department’s subcontracts

  • View subcontracts for a PI
  • View subcontracts for a subrecipient institution
Deposit/Payment Inquiry Provides sponsored payment activity recorded in RAS
  • Research activity for a particular sponsor
  • Search for payments by deposit ID, Payment ID, payment amount, and date received
  • Identify and claim payments received but not applied to sponsored project invoices

How to Run Available Inquiries from the Department Based Reports Folder

  1. Log into MyAccess (opens in new window) (not shown). Scroll down to locate and select PeopleSoft Financials from the application menu. If you have set MyAccess to display "Favorites", you may need to change to "All Apps" or search for PeopleSoft.
  2. Click on the Research Administration tile , then the RAS Menu tile , then Department Based Reports , followed by the Inquiry name you want to run .
  3. Enter search criteria into one or more fields at the top of the inquiry to limit the amount of information returned. Some fields have a lookup button or a drop-down list to help you identify and enter the correct data .
  4. Click the Run button (or Flashlight icon for some inquiries) to execute the inquiry .
  5. Results are displayed at the bottom of the page:
    • Click a column heading to sort the report by that column .
    • Click the Grid Action Menu icon and select Download to Excel to export the report to Excel .

If no data is entered into data fields, all accessible data will be returned. Running an inquiry without entering data into the fields at the top of the page may be slow. Remember, data is not limited by department or user.

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