This step-by-step guide explains how to access, run, sort, and export lookups for financial and payroll codes and data available from UCSF's Tableau platform.
How to Access the Financial/Payroll Codes and Data Lookups
From the Controller's Office website home page:
- Click the Financial/Payroll Codes and Data Lookup link beneath the Financial Statements & Reports heading.
- Select the lookup you want to run from the list of available options; you will be redirected to UCSF Tableau.
- Complete the MyAccess login if required - the selected inquiry will open in Tableau.

How to Search and Sort in Tableau
Tableau provides several basic features you will find within each of the available lookups:
- Search by entering a term in the search field and pressing enter, or clicking Search .
- Click the Reset button at any time to return to the default layout of the lookup .
- Some inquiries also provide drop-down filters . In this example, you may choose between active or inactive accounts only or both. Simply make a selection from the drop-down and the inquiry will be automatically filtered.
- Hover over column headings to determine if they are sortable. Headings that can be sorted will display a small "a-z" icon . Click the icon once to sort in ascending order, or click again to sort in descending order (the icon will change to z-a with a downward arrow).

Exporting Crosstab Data from Tableau (Excel Files)
Each lookup can contain multiple sheets/tables. To export Excel data from Tableau, you will need to select the specific sheet you want to export.
- Click on the export icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Tableau banner .
- Click the Crosstab selection from the menu .
- From the Download Crosstab window, click the desired sheet (you may need to scroll to the right to see all available sheets as in this example)
- Some sheets will not export useful information. For instance, in this example, the hyperlink sheet would only export the word "here" as an Excel file.
- To export current search results only, you should choose the Search sheet.
- You can always experiment by downloading the crosstab version of any sheet if you are unsure what will be exported.
- Click Download .
The selected sheet will then be downloaded to your computer as in .xlsx format.

Exporting PDF Data from Tableau
You can also export PDF data from any lookup in Tableau. The process is similar to exporting Excel data.
- Click on the export icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Tableau banner .
- Click the PDF selection from the menu .
- To download useful information as a PDF, you should change the Include drop-down menu to "Specific sheets from this dashboard" .
- Select the sheet(s) you want to include in your PDF . You can also select all sheets at once .
- Change the Page Size and Orientation if necessary .
- Click Download .
The PDF file will be automatically downloaded to your computer once it is generated.