The Payroll Detail by Month Report displays General Ledger (GL) for Payroll expenses by month. The report is run for Project-Activity Period or by Employee. By default, the report displays all payroll elements, such as Gross Pay, Benefits, Accruals, and VLA/Vacation Accrual, but the output can also be filtered to display single or multiple elements. This step-by-step guide explains how to filter and run the report.
What Can I Learn from the Payroll Detail by Month Report?
- Displays monthly payroll detail by employee for the duration selected
- Details include Gross Pay, Percent of Effort/Hours, Benefits, biweekly Accruals, and VLA per month.
- Display either by the Accounting Period (default) in which the pay was processed or by Earning Period, the month of the effort.
- Data can be grouped by Award PI, Project PI, Award ID, Fund, Dept ID, Project, Project-Activity Period, Project-Activity Period-Fund-Dept ID, and/or Employee with Sponsored and Non-Sponsored activity in one report.
Report Date Filters
The Payroll Detail by Month Report requires users to choose either a 6-Month or 12-Month (default) view. The beginning of the 6 or 12 - month period is set using the Starting in filter (defaults to July of current fiscal year).

Report Specific Filters
- Choose to Run the report by Accounting Period or by Earning Period .
- Choose additional options for Project-Activity Period (optional).
- Check the box to Include Inactive Project-Activity Periods .
- Uncheck the box to exclude Pending Project-Activity Periods .
- Check both boxes to include both inactive and pending.
*Note: Active/Inactive/Pending is based on the current status of the Project-Activity Period, not on the Report Dates selected.
- Choose Display Options:
- Choose to Show Prior Periods Actuals (default) (uncheck to hide) .
- Click the checkbox to Show Average Time
- Choose the Pay Element Display (optional). By default all elements are displayed. To pick individual elements, hold the CTRL key down while selecting the desired values .
- Choose up to two optional report sorts .
- Check the box to include Project 111111 (optional). The report may be run by Project-Activity Period-Dept ID or Employee, but not both. To run by Project-Activity Period-Dept ID .
- Select the Project-Activity Period-Dept ID-Project Desc/Nickname
- Click the Add button to enter all results based on the search term into the Project-Activity Period-Dept ID-Project Desc/Nickname box (e.g., if you enter a PI and click the Add button, all Project-Activity Periods related to that PI will be populated) .
- All results based on the filter display in the Project-Activity Period-Dept ID-Project Desc/Nickname box. You may remove any unwanted results to complete your programmatic grouping. To do this, click on the item(s) (CTRL/command + Click to select multiple) and then click the Remove button. Repeat this step as necessary to remove all unwanted results prior to running the report .
- To add results from multiple searches, repeat and . When complete, perform to remove unwanted values from the list.
. Enter search terms in any of the available fields (Award/ Parent ID, Project, Dept ID, or PI/Manager). When you begin entering the search term, valid choices display. Select a value from the list by clicking it. To add the results of the selected search term:
- To run by Employee, enter or search for the Employee(s) by Name, UCSF Employee ID, or UCPath Employee ID .

Report Output Selection

- In addition to the report output selections of On Screen HTML (default), PDF, and Excel , you can choose Unformatted Data.
- The Unformatted Data output returns an Excel file that has no special formatting and a single row for column headings, making it the best source for pivot tables and other advanced spreadsheet analysis.
- Select your desired report output and click the Run Report button .
In both Excel outputs (standard Excel and Unformatted Data), the workbook will contain at least two tabs. The first tab/sheet always displays the entered filter criteria. The second tab/sheet displays the data and differs depending on whether you selected standard Excel or Unformatted Data.
Working in the Report View
- You can Sort and subtotal your results using the drop-down menus located in the upper right of the report header:
- Make your selection(s) by clicking the desired value from the Sort 1 and Sort 2 drop-down menus
- Note Employee only available on Sort 1.
- Note Employee only available on Sort 1.
- Click the Update button
The report is re-rendered and subtotaled based on your applied sort(s).
- Make your selection(s) by clicking the desired value from the Sort 1 and Sort 2 drop-down menus
- You also have the option to update the Pay Element Display on the report:
- Click Refine Pay Element Display and select the desired element(s) .
- Click Update
- You can choose to hide or Show Prior Periods Actuals, and Show Average Time using the checkboxes in the right of the header
- To show, check the box(es), to hide, uncheck the box(es) and then click Update .

Tips and Tricks
- You can run a single report with both Sponsored and Non-Sponsored Projects.
- UPlan (Hyperion) data is not available in Faculty Portfolio reports.
- Switching between Run by Accounting Period and Run by Earning Period choices will not affect previously entered Project-Activity Period-Dept IDs, or Employee(s).
- Changing your selection for Include Inactive Project-Activity Periods or Include Pending Project-Activity Periods will remove previously entered Project-Activity Period-Dept IDs. You will see a warning message. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
- Changing your selection for Include Project 1111111 will remove previously entered Project-Activity Period-Dept IDs. You will see a warning message. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
- Active/Inactive Project-Activity Periods are displayed based on the current status of the Project-Activity Periods selected, not on the Report Date Filter values entered. For example, if you run a report today for a Starting In date of a year ago, the Project-Activity Periods included will be based on their status today not on their status one year ago.
- A Project is considered to be “Sponsored” based on the Fund. All Funds under the Fund tree node 400C and Funds 4900 and 1810 are considered to be “Sponsored.” All other Funds are “Non-Sponsored.”
- Accruals is the total of Accounts 50432 - Salary accrual, 50411 - Compensatory time accrual 50518, - Benefit accrual-staff, 50750 - Benefit accrual-NFA. Transactions under these accounts are excluded from Gross Pay and Benefits.
- Report defaults to include a subtotal of the selected Pay Element(s), except for Hours and Percent of Effort, by employee.
- Hours and Percent of Effort are available for Bi-weekly employees only.
- Note: Percent of Effort is calculated based on 160 working hours for fiscal periods or calendar months with 2 pay events, and 240 working hours for fiscal periods or calendar months with 3 pay events.
- Refer to the reference guide for a list of the Biweekly Working Hours and Percent of Effort Factors used by MyReports. A link to the reference guide is also available on the report filter page.
- This report does not display Business Unit, Function, or Flexfield.
- There is no drill-through functionality in this report.
- Sponsored Projects with a zero balance as of June 30, 2013 were not converted to our current chart of accounts and are therefore not available in Faculty Portfolio reports. Use WebLinks to view information related to these projects.
- The Actuals Prior to July column displays all pay elements with specific dollar amounts as total.
Additional Information and Assistance
- More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
- If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
- To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.