Most MyReports filter pages have a Report Specific Filters section. Report specific filters are usually optional and provide you with additional ways to limit the data returned in the report. In some cases, the report specific filters have been preset. To change the preset filter, follow the instructions in this step-by-step guide.
Example Report Specific Filters from the Transaction Detail (DPE) and Distribution of Payroll Expenses (DPE) Reports

- Select Fields – Click an item to select. To select multiple, hold down Control (PC) or Command (Mac) and click on each desired item.
- Checkboxes (select multiple) – Click once to select, and again to deselect.
- Value/Search fields – enter the item value directly or click the spyglass to open the search.
- Radio Buttons (select only one) – Click the radio button you wish to select; to change your selection, click on another button.
- Drop-Down Menus – Click the arrow and select a single value.
Report specific criteria are discussed in detail in the job aids for each report.
Additional Information & Assistance
- More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
- If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
- To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.