The Asset Management Report lists detailed information about capitalized assets to enable departments to perform their physical inventory. The report can also be used for basic inquiry, including the status of an asset. This step-by-step guide explains how to filter and run the report.
What Can I Learn from the Asset Management Report?
- Serves as a basis for verification of capital assets, as required by UCOP and federal regulations.
- Can be used to answer capital asset inquiries.
Report Date Filters
The default date for the Asset Management Report is the current month. You can use the Report Date as of dropdown menu to select a previous closed month, if desired.

Chartstring Filters
- Business Unit (BU) is the only required (*) chartstring filter. The filter page defaults to select SFCMP. You may override the default and select an individual BU or multiple BUs .
- The Asset Management displays all capitalized asset Accounts; additional filtering by Account is not available .
Additional chartfield parameters may be selected as desired.
In addition to the required filters on the filter page (*),at least one of the conditionally required fields denoted by an orange triangle (▲) must be used.

Report Specific Filters
You can further refine your data or display additional data using the options in the Report Specific Filters section:
- Choose the asset Status (required)
- In Service (default) – search for in-service assets only.
- Disposed – search for disposed/retired assets.
- All – search both In Service and Disposed assets.
- Enter one or more of the optional filters to further reduce results in your report; Select from Asset Tag No., Asset ID, Custody Code, Custodian Name, PO Number, Serial ID, Asset Location Code, and/or Manufacturer .
- Report Sort 1 and Report Sort 2 allow you to apply one or two sort options to the report output .

Report Output Selection

- In addition to the report output selections of On Screen HTML (default), PDF, and Excel , you can choose Unformatted Data .
- The Unformatted Data output returns an Excel file that has no special formatting and a single row for column headings, making it the best source for pivot tables and other advanced spreadsheet analysis.
- Select your desired report output and click the Run Report button .
Working in the Report View
- The Asset Management Report allows you to further refine your report using the Sort 1 and Sort 2 options:
- Click the Sort 1 drop-down and select the first value from the list.
- If desired, select a second grouping from the Sort 2 drop-down.
- Click Update; your report is refreshed and now displays data in your chosen groups with subtotals.
- Click on a blue hyperlinked Purchase Order (PO) number to open the Purchase Order Report in a new tab/window
. - The Multiple hyperlink denotes there are multiple POs associated with an asset; clicking Multiple from the Purchase Order column opens the PO Select Table for the asset row selected
- Click the desired PO ID hyperlink from the PO Select Table to open the associated Purchase Order Report in a new tab/window
- Click the desired PO ID hyperlink from the PO Select Table to open the associated Purchase Order Report in a new tab/window
- You can sort in ascending or descending order on any column by clicking the up (▲) and down (▼) icons.

Tips and Tricks
- Run the report by Custodian Name to display all Custody Codes under the selected custodian
- If you run a report by Dept ID, the report displays all assets for the Dept ID selected and for any associated children Dept IDs. Use the Sort 1 tool and select Dept ID to subtotal the report for each parent/child Dept ID
- The report can be run by Project Award/Parent to view rollup relationships for assets associated with sub-projects
- For the easiest navigation when using MyReports, close extra browser tabs/windows (usually the result of drilling through to another report) when
- you have completed reviewing and/or exporting the information
- The MyFavorites functionality allows you to save and retrieve frequently used filter criteria. See the Managing and Scheduling MyFavorites in MyReports job aid for instructions on saving report parameters to MyFavorites, and how to select and run a saved Favorite.
Additional Information and Assistance
- More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
- If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
- To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.