February 2023 Enhancements to the Transaction Detail Report

Based on input from the MyReports Campus Advisory Group, the Transaction Detail Report (TDR) has been enhanced to summarize rows with identical transaction attributes into a single row. This change reduces the number of similar records that are often seen in postings such as General, Automobile, Employee Liability (GAEL) and suspense journals.

The following example illustrates the change users will see when running the TDR beginning on February 1, 2023. Transaction rows with identical attributes are removed and replaced with a single row that summarizes the Actual dollars for all rows having the same attributes.

Before February 1, 2023: Sample TDR without summarization:

Beginning February 1, 2023: Sample TDR with summarization:

Contact the Controller's Office Solution Center if you have any questions about MyReports or to report a potential issue.