Based on input from the MyReports Campus Advisory Group and feedback from our users, the Employee and Position Roster Report has been enhanced with the following additional features:
- There is a new option in the Display Columns section for displaying ITFS Rate, Network Rate, and VLA Rate in the report output.
- The ITFS Rate and Network Rate displayed are governed by the Show UCPath Rates as 1.0 FTE filter and reflect the most recent recharge journal posting.
- The VLA Rate is not governed by the Show UCPath Rates as 1.0 FTE filter in this report.
- Annual Rate now displays by default.
- New sort filter options have been added.
- Report Sort 1 defaults to None.
- Report Sort 2 defaults to None.
Users should clear their web browser cache to take advantage of this enhancement. An updated job aid is available in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
Contact the Controller's Office Solution Center if you have any questions about MyReports or to report a potential issue.