Later this month, the MyReports team will release a new version of the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) by Account Report. Based on input from the MyReports Campus Advisory Group, a new Suspense Indicator filter will be available to support the monitoring of suspense activity. In addition, the Suspense Indicator field will be included in the default display columns for the report.
There are also adjustments to how the following fields are displayed to help narrow the width of the default report:
The Employee Record Number will be abbreviated to Emp Rec No
The Display Columns filter for Earn Begin Date will default to unchecked
The Display Columns filter for Paycheck Date will default to unchecked
Users can select from the Display Columns picklist filter to further tailor the report output and can save individual filter settings via the MyFavorites functionality.
Look for an additional announcement via the MyReports listserv once the new report features are available. Contact the Controller's Office Solution Center if you have any questions about MyReports or to report a potential issue.