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HBS Management and Administration

HBS Management and Administration

UCSF managers use HBS to fully review and approve employee timesheets and leave requests. Download the Managers' Quick Start Guide for an overview of steps to approve or deny timesheets and leave requests.

For complete details on acting as an HBS manager, including delegation of approval authority, editing timesheets, and reviewing employee leave balances, refer to the HBS for Managers job aid.

Timesheet Submission and Approval Timelines

Monthly Paid Employees

  • Timesheet opens 14 calendar days prior to the 1st day of the month
  • Work with employees to ensure timesheets are submitted on time; deadline for employees is the 5th business day of the following month
  • Fully review the employee timesheet for errors and work with the employee to edit the timesheet, if required, before approving
  • Deadline for manager approval is no later than the 7th business day of the next month

Biweekly Paid Employees

  • There are always two open biweekly periods in HBS
  • Work with employees to ensure timesheets are submitted on time; deadline for employees is midnight Sunday following the pay period end date
  • Fully review the employee timesheet for errors and work with the employee to edit the timesheet, if required, before approving
  • Deadline for manager approval is the Monday following the pay period end date

HBS Navigation and Approving Timesheets and Leave Requests

See the HBS for Managers job aid for detailed instructions on approving timesheets (with and without edits), employee leave (approving and reviewing), resetting employee passwords, delegating approval authority, working with closed (history) timesheets, and requesting changes to employee HBS access.

Supervisors of employees with multiple appointments should consult Approving HBS Timesheets for Multiple Appointments for guidelines and instructions when multiple supervisor approvals of timesheets are required.

Supervisors of student employees who will begin approving work hours in HBS starting in October 2018 can watch a recorded training session (MyAccess login required) on approving timesheets.

HBS for UCSF Health Timesheet Group (TSG) Managers

Managers, in addition to entering their own time and leave requests, use HBS to edit and approve timesheets and leave requests for their employees. UCSF Health managers have the ability to split Timesheet Groups (TSGs) into sub-timesheet groups which can then be assigned to alternate qualified approvers.

Download the HBS for UCSF Health Timesheet Group Managers job aid for an explanation on how to create sub-TSGs and assign the desired employees and an approver to each sub-group.