WebLinks, the financial reporting system for the old Account Fund Profile (AFP) chart of accounts (COA), was used for historical data reporting (through February 2014). In conjunction with the 2022 retirement of WebLinks, select historical AFP datasets are now available in MyReports. This job aid provides step-by-step instructions to filter and run these reports.
Available Weblinks Reports
Reports with Filters | Description |
Asset Management Report | Provides detailed information about capitalized assets as of February 2014. |
Distribution of Payroll Expense Report | Provides detailed payroll transactions, including gross earnings and UC-paid benefits, processed through PPS between July 1997 and February 2014. |
General Ledger Summary Report | Displays general ledger balances by account type with additional sort and sub-total options. Data available between July 1997 and February 2014. |
General Ledger Transaction Detail Report | Provides a complete picture of all transactions in asset, liability, unexpended balance, revenue, and expenditure NCAs. Data available between July 1997 and February 2014. |
COA Conversion Matrix | Provides mapping information between Account Fund Profile (AFP) chart of accounts (COA) and the current UCSF COA coding structure. |
Static Extracts / Inquiry Reports | Description |
Department Tree |
Provides a way to look up the AFP chartfields attributes. |
DPA | |
DPA/Fund | |
DPA/Fund/FY | |
Fund | |
NCA | |
NCA Group | |
Program Code |
How to Access Weblinks Reports
- Authorized users can access WebLinks Reports from the WebLinks Reports Tab in MyReports.
- For access to these reports, confirm with your manager if your job requires access to the prior Chart of Accounts (COA) data before submitting a request for access to the Controller’s Office Solution Center.
Report Search Filters (for Reports with Filters)
To select values for any search term on the filter page:
- Type in a full or partial value and click the spyglass icon to search for possible values .
- Expand the search filter option by using the double down arrows .
- To add values to the result box, select the desired value(s) (CTRL/command + click to select multiple) then click the green right arrow icon. Repeat as necessary to add more values prior to running the report .
- To remove values from the result box, select the desired value(s) (CTRL/command + Click to select multiple) then click the green left arrow icon. Repeat as necessary to remove values prior to running the report .

Report Output

- Click Run Report to run the desired report in HTML output.
- To run the report in PDF or Excel (formatted or unformatted) output, select “Click here before exporting Output to PDF/Excel/ Unformatted” ( ) before clicking the desired output icon ( ).
Working in the Report View
- Click Back to Filter Page (for Reports with Filters) to return to the filter page to make changes to the report parameters .
- Use the icons at the top right of the screen to export the report to PDF or Excel (Note: the first Excel icon exports as formatted, and the second icon exports as unformatted) .
- Use the up (▲) and down (▼) arrow icons in the column headers to sort the output .

Additional Information & Assistance
- More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
- If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
- To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.