Sponsored Projects Balances Report Job Aid

The Sponsored Projects Balances Report enables departments to monitor Awards/Projects at any point in time, and at any level of the Dept ID tree. The report shows Budget, Actual Expenses, and Other Changes, and indicates whether each project has a positive or deficit balance. This step-by-step guide explains how to filter and run the report.

What Can I Learn from the Sponsored Projects Balances Report?

  • Displays sponsored Projects only (Funds 400C, 1810, and 4900)
  • Calculates and displays the Budget Balance (Budget less Expenses plus
  • Other Changes) as of the selected month, with an option to include liens
  • The Budget amount includes both budgeted Expenses and Other Changes
  • Display only Projects in deficit, only Projects with positive balances, or both
  • Months in Deficit counter identifies sponsored Projects in deficit

Report Date Filters

The default date for the Sponsored Projects Balances Report is the current open month. Use the Report Date as of drop-down to select a previous month, if desired.

Report Specific Filters

  1. Choose the appropriate radio button to view :
    • Only sponsored Projects in Deficit.
    • Only sponsored Projects with Positive Balances.
    • All sponsored Projects (default).
  2. Check the box to Show Liens .
  3. Uncheck to exclude Inactive Project-Activity Periods .
  4. Use the drop-down menu to Display Codes and Descriptions as: Display Codes and Descriptions (default), Codes Only, or Descriptions Only .
  5. Report Sort 1 and 2 allow you to apply sort options to the report output .

See the Filtering and Running Reports in MyReports job aid for additional information, tips, and tricks for using the filters to configure your report.

Report Output Selection

  1. In addition to the report output selections of On Screen HTML (default), PDF, and Excel , you can choose Unformatted Data .
  2. The Unformatted Data output returns an Excel file that has no special formatting and a single row for column headings, making it the best source for pivot tables and other advanced spreadsheet analysis.
  3. Select your desired report output and click the Run Report button .
In both Excel outputs (standard Excel and Unformatted Data), the workbook will contain at least two tabs. The first tab/sheet always displays the entered filter criteria. The second tab/sheet displays the data and differs depending on whether you selected standard Excel or Unformatted Data.

Working in the Report View

  • The Sponsored Projects Balances Report allows you to further refine your report using the Sort 1 and Sort 2 options:
    1. Click the Sort 1 drop-down and select the first value from the list .
    2. If desired, select a second grouping from Sort 2 drop-down .
    3. Show or hide Liens in the report view by checking/ unchecking the Show Liens checkbox .
    4. Click Update; report is refreshed and will display data (with or without Liens) in your chosen groups with subtotals .
  • Click the down arrow (▼) in the Months in Deficit column header to display Projects from the longest to shortest period in deficit .
    • Once a deficit is cleared, the Months in Deficit clock is reset.
    • You may see several Projects in deficit, but remember this does not necessarily mean an entire Award is in deficit.
    • To determine when an entire Award is in deficit:
      • Use the Sort 1 option to sort by Award ID  .
      • Click Update ; the report is then displayed in ascending order by Award ID .
      • Review the balance of the Award Total to determine Award deficit status :
        • (524,411.41) Deficit
        • 524,411.41 Positive Balance
        • In the example, A100579 is in deficit; A118076 is not
  • You can sort in ascending or descending order on any column by clicking the and icons .

  • Selecting the Show Liens checkbox and then clicking the Update button adds the additional Liens and Projected Balance with Liens columns to the report .
    • The Liens column displays any outstanding lien amounts for the chartstring. The Projected Balance with Liens column subtracts the lien amount from the Balance without Liens amount to calculate a new projected balance.
    • To display additional Lien details, click on the blue hyperlinked Liens amount to open a Transaction Detail Report (TDR)  .

Tips and Tricks

  • The MyFavorites functionality allows you to save and retrieve frequently used filter criteria. See the Managing and Scheduling MyFavorites in MyReports job aid for instructions on saving report parameters to MyFavorites, and how to select and run a saved Favorite.
  • For the easiest navigation when using MyReports, close extra browser tabs/windows (usually the result of drilling through to another report) when you have completed reviewing and/or exporting the information.

Additional Information and Assistance

  • More information about MyReports, including how to request access and additional training, can be found in the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website.
  • If you require help with a technical problem or have a question about a specific report, contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at [email protected] or 415.476.2126.
  • To stay informed about MyReports news, follow the directions on the MyReports section of the Controller’s Office website to join the MyReports ListServ.

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