How to Use the Stipend Payment Request Application

Follow these step-by-step instructions for using the Stipend Payment Request Application to request non-payroll stipend payments for students, Clinical Fellows, and Visiting Scholars.

How to Log in and Download a New Stipend Template

  1. (Not shown) Log into the Stipend Payment Request (VPN Connection Required)(opens in new window) application.
  2. Download a new Stipend Payment Request Template by clicking Template Download .
To avoid errors, do not use a previously saved spreadsheet. Use Save As to save the template in your preferred location; rename retaining the .xlsx format.

How to Complete the Stipend Payment Request Template

For the spreadsheet to correctly load into PeopleSoft, its format and structure must be maintained. Add your data, starting entry on row 5 of the spreadsheet as follows:

  1. Complete the template by entering data into the appropriate rows and columns. All fields are required except for Flexfield; Activity Period is only required for sponsored projects. 
    • UCSF Student – must be “y” or “n”
    • Clinical Fellow – must be “y” or “n”
    • Visiting Scholar – must by “y” or “n”
    • Non-Resident Alien – must be “y” or “n”
      • See the Stipend Recipient Definitions section of this guide for more information.
    • Last Name and First Name of stipend recipient
    • UC ID of stipend recipient (must be 10 characters)
      • Students: S023456789
      • Visiting Scholars/Fellows: 0023456789
    • Start Date and End Date of payments - mm/dd/yyyy
    • Total Stipend Amount for period covered above - must be in U.S. currency (dollar signs, commas, and decimals are permitted)
    • Fund - must be 4 characters
    • Department ID - must be 6 characters
    • Project Id - must be 7 characters
    • Activity Period - required for all sponsored projects - for non-sponsored projects leave blank; must be 2 characters
    • Function Code - must be 2 characters
    • Flexfieldoptional; cannot be more than 6 characters
  2. Save your completed spreadsheet (not shown). You will need the file name and location of the file in the next step.
Tips for a Successful Stipend Request Upload:
  • Start your entry on row 5; do not leave any blank rows between data rows.
  • Do not add, delete or move columns; do not change the formatting or the number category.
  • Only data entered on the first row will be passed when multiple rows are entered for Clinical Fellows, Visiting Scholars, and Non-Resident Aliens.
  • All chartstrings must be valid and active. Use the SpeedType Search and Chartfield Validator(opens in new window) (requires MyAccess login) to confirm prior to submitting your stipend request.

How to Upload Your Saved Template to the Stipend Request Application

  1. Click Request New Stipend Payments from the stipend request application window in your browser . (Not shown) Do not submit corrections for processed stipends using this tool. Learn how to request a stipend payment correction.

  2. Your contact information displayed is sourced from the UCSF Directory . If an entry, e.g., your phone number is empty, you can enter details before submission. You cannot make changes to any prepopulated information. Contact Human Resources if you need information updated in your record.
  3. Upload your previously completed and saved .xlsx template file by clicking Choose File and selecting the file from the proper location on your computer.
  4. Click Continue .




If you receive a "Please Upload a valid Excel spreadsheet" message, make sure the file is in the correct format (.xlsx) and that you started with a freshly downloaded stipend request template. After making any necessary adjustments, try again by repeating steps 3 and 4.

How to Check for and Correct Errors in a Successfully Uploaded Stipend Request Template

  1. A successful upload displays with a green message. Click Check for Errors Now

If the application detects an error, you will see one of two red error screens.

  • Invalid spreadsheet or stipend information not found message:
    • Check your saved Excel file to ensure the information you entered is valid and save any changes made. It may be helpful to refer to the field information in the How to Complete the Stipend Payment Request Template section of this guide.
    • Remember, errors can result from reusing a previous spreadsheet. You should always download a new template for each submission.
    • When you are ready, click the Please Try Again button . You will return to the Enter Your Contact Information/Select Your Spreadsheet screen. Follow the instructions in the How to Upload Your Saved Template to the Stipend Request Application section of this guide and try again.
  • Spreadsheet errors message:
    • To guide you, specific errors are displayed beneath each blue stipend recipient name heading .
    • Errors cannot be “fixed” directly on the upload screen. In Excel (not shown), correct any errors in your original file and save the changes.
    • Click the Upload Corrections button from the Stipend Payment Request application and repeat the instructions from the How to Upload Your Saved Template to the Stipend Request Application section above.

  1. A successful upload will display a green screen showing an overview of your transaction lines :
    • Review each record for accuracy before you submit. Corrections cannot be made directly on this screen. If you find an error:
      • Make any necessary corrections in your spreadsheet and save the changes.
      • Repeat the instructions from the How to Upload Your Saved Template to the Stipend Request Application section above.
  2. When you have completed your review and any errors have been corrected, click the Submit For Processing button.

  3. Upon successful processing on this green screen, click Finish to complete your stipend payment request.

You may now close the application using the "x" on your browser tab. You will receive an automated email message that your Stipend Payment Request has been successfully submitted to the Controller’s Office.

How to View Stipend Information in MyReports

MyReports users with the Financial Role can run the Transaction Detail Report to view stipend transaction details.

  1. Login to MyReports and select the Transaction Detail Report on the Transactional Reports tab. (Not shown)
  2. Filter and run your report as necessary. (Not shown)
  • The Ref/Inv ID is a unique Student Accounting identifier used for each specific payment.
  • The Voucher ID  should be provided when inquiring about a specific stipend with Student Accounting.

An additional monthly stipend report is available in UCSF Box. This report reflects all processed stipend payments as well as those scheduled within the last 30 days. Most importantly, you can use this report to determine whether a voucher is in Recycle Status . A status of Recycle means the voucher will not be disbursed. Common reasons for this include:

  • Fiscal Year or Account Period has not opened
  • Account Period has closed
  • A duplicate voucher exists

Contact Student Accounting for access to this report.

Stipend Recipient Definitions


A student is an individual who is:

  • enrolled in, or registered with, an academic program of UCSF or
  • when between UCSF academic terms
    • has completed the immediately preceding term and is eligible for re-enrollment, or
    • is on approved educational leave or other approved leave status.
  • Students should submit direct deposit forms to the Student Accounting Team.

Clinical Fellows

Clinical fellows are individuals with postdoctoral appointments.

  • Types of fellowships
    • Domestic Research: One-year intensive training research fellowships for UCSF health science students designed to provide detailed exposure to clinical research.
    • International Research: A one-year mentored International Clinical Research Fellowship program for medical students, established by UCSF Medical School and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Offered to both UCSF and non-UCSF medical students.
    • Master's Degree Program in Clinical & Translational Research: Two-year fellowship leading to a master's degree.
  • Clinical Fellows receive stipends that are paid via Payroll or by Student Accounting depending on their appointment type and ID. Please consult your HR Specialist to determine if your payee should be processed through Payroll or Student Accounting.
    • UCSF will not withhold taxes from their traineeship, fellowship, or stipend, nor does UCSF report scholarship or fellowship payments to the IRS; however, the fellow/trainee is still responsible for paying taxes on these sums.
    • To receive payment via direct deposit, Fellows must complete the Direct Deposit process using UCPath. This can take up to one month.
  • More information on Postdoc title codes and taxes can be found on the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars(opens in new window) website.

Visiting Scholar

Within the Stipend Payment Request application, the term Visiting Scholar is defined as an individual designated as a Visiting Scholar with title code 3299, Visitor (Graduate Student) with title code 3730, or Visitor (Undergraduate) with title code 3731.

  • A person on leave from an academic appointment, other employment or student enrollment at their home institution (non-UC) or other entity may be appointed as a Visitor to the University of California to participate in a short-term educational, research, or other academic project under the supervision of an academic appointee. A Visitor shall be designated, as appropriate, as a Visiting Scholar, Visitor (Graduate Student), or Visitor (Undergraduate). One-time participants in accredited continuing education activities are exempted from these definitions. Visitors can be U.S. citizens or non-resident aliens. The majority of these scholars at UCSF are either under an H-1B or J-1 visa status. See Academic Personnel Policy APM-430(opens in new window) for additional information.
  • Visitors are appointed for short periods not to exceed one year, and, more typically, 6 months or less. They hold without salary (WOS) appointments as they are ineligible for compensation in the form of salary or wages. Visitors are self-supported and must provide evidence appropriate to the duration of the appointment, of adequate support from external sources and of health insurance.
  • Appointment as a Visitor constitutes neither employment nor enrollment as a student. Visitors may receive supplementary support in the form of a stipend for housing, food, clothing, other basic necessities, as well as travel and incidental research expenses, relocation costs, health insurance and/or malpractice insurance, as appropriate. They will not be assigned a student ID (SO2) but rather a payroll ID (002).
  • For international visiting scholars, federal taxes are withheld, unless there is a tax treaty between the US and the postdoc’s country. For those without a social security number, 30% tax will be withheld. Please refer to the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO)(opens in new window) to obtain a social security number before submitting a stipend request.
  • Visiting Scholars should submit direct deposit forms to the Student Accounting Team.

Non-Resident Alien (NRA)

An alien is any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national. A non-resident alien is an alien who has not passed the green card test or the substantial presence test. This includes anyone holding a H1, F1 or J1 Visa.

  • For more information regarding this status, refer to the IRS website(opens in new window).
  • For international individuals, federal taxes are withheld, unless there is a tax treaty between the US and the non-resident alien's country. For those without a social security number, 37% tax will be withheld. Please refer to the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO)(opens in new window) website for current tax treaty information.
  • Before submitting a stipend request for an NRA payee, please email the Student Accounting Team at [email protected] to verify that all tax documentation has been completed.

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