Faculty Portfolio Reports

Faculty Portfolio is a financial reporting tool designed to aid in the management of a faculty member’s contract, grants, gifts, start-up, retention, and other discretionary funding.

The set of Faculty Portfolio Reports includes:

MyPortfolio Report

The MyPortfolio Report is designed to support faculty in reviewing their projects.  See the Quick Reference Guide for Faculty for a brief orientation to the MyPortfolio Report. This report displays summary level General Ledger (GL) for a single Faculty or Principal Investigator’s (PI) portfolio of Projects. Using the MyPortfolio Report (job aid) you can:

  • View an entire portfolio for a single faculty member in one report
  • Displays sponsored balances and non-sponsored net position from the General Ledger
  • View percent spent vs. percent time elapsed-to-date in a graphic
  • View Project details such as Nickname and Activity Period begin and end dates
  • Limit data by PI Type (Award/Parent PI, Project PI, and/or Lab Owner)
  • Include or exclude a burn rate graphic, inactive Project-Activity Periods, pending Project-Activity Periods, and PI Details

Award/Parent Summary Report

The Award/Parent Summary Report displays summary level General Ledger (GL) data for Project Award/Parent IDs. Using the Award/Parent Summary Report (job aid) you can:

  • View an Award including all children under an Award/Parent ID
  • View Sponsored Balances with Budget, Expenses, and Other Changes
  • View Non-Sponsored Current Net Position with Beginning Net Position, Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes
  • View multiple Award/Parent IDs in one report, however Sponsored and Non-Sponsored Award/Parent IDs cannot be run in the same report

Faculty Portfolio Monthly Report

The Faculty Portfolio (FP) Monthly Report displays monthly financial information by Project-Activity Period-Dept ID. Using the Faculty Portfolio Monthly Report (job aid) you can:

  • Search for Projects by Award/Parent ID, Project, posting level Dept ID, and/or PI/Manager
  • View Sponsored Balances by month with Budget, Expenses and Other Changes
  • View Non-Sponsored Current Net Position with Beginning Net Position, Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes
  • Choose from a more summarized Faculty view or more detailed Analyst view

Payroll Detail by Month Report

The Faculty Portfolio Payroll Detail by Month Report displays General Ledger (GL) data for payroll expenses by month for either 6 or 12 months. The report runs by Project-Activity Period-Dept ID. Using the Payroll Detail by Month Report (job aid), you can:

  • Display monthly payroll detail by employee for the duration selected. Details include Gross Pay, %DPE/Hours, Benefits, VLA/Vacation, and Total cost per month.
  • Display either by the Accounting Period (default) in which the pay was processed or by Earning Period, the month of the effort
  • Data can be grouped by Award PI, Project PI, Award ID, Fund, Dept ID, Project, Project-Activity Period, Project-Activity Period-Fund-Dept ID, and/or Employee with Sponsored and Non-Sponsored activity in one report

Program Portfolio Report

The Program Portfolio Report provides summary General Ledger (GL) data for multiple Project-Activity Period-Dept IDs and includes enhanced report filters that allow increased flexibility in defining dates and data parameters. These features allow reporting on an entire program of Projects that span multiple Principal Investigators (PIs) and/or multiple Dept IDs. Using the Program Portfolio Report (job aid) you can: 

  • Search for projects to build “programs” by any combination of one or more Award/Parent IDs, Projects, Dept IDs, or PI/Managers
  • Filter the report to:
    • Include only Sponsored, Non-Sponsored, or All Projects
    • Include or exclude Inactive or Pending Project-Activity Periods
    • View Direct and Indirect Costs, or Direct Costs only

Project Summary Report

The Faculty Portfolio Project Summary Report displays summary level General Ledger (GL) data for the Project chartfield. The report can be run for a single Project or for multiple Projects. Using the Project Summary Report (job aid) you can:

  • Get a Project-based view
  • View Sponsored Balances with Budget, Expenses and Other Changes
  • View Non-Sponsored Current Net Position with Beginning Net Position, Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes
  • View multiple Projects in one report, however Sponsored and Non-Sponsored Projects cannot be run in the same report

Sponsored Awards Accounts Receivable Report

The Sponsored Awards Accounts Receivable Report provides information about sponsored awards accounts receivable invoices. Using the Sponsored Awards Accounts Receivable Report (job aid) you can:

  • Review information for open invoices billed to sponsors.
  • View invoice information including Award, Sponsor, PI, and Invoice Number.
  • Use the report display options to view an ‘aging report’ with an Aging Summary to identify invoices with outstanding balances that may require follow-up.

Sponsored Awards Summary Report

The Sponsored Awards Summary Report displays Research Administration System (RAS) billing and payment information as well as Budget Balance and Net Position Balance. Using the Sponsored Awards Summary Report (job aid) you can:

  • Displays RAS billing and payments
  • Displays the Budget Balance and Net Position Balance
  • Displays totals by Award-Project-Activity Period and can be run by Activity Through Date (from inception through the date selected)
  • Can only be run for Sponsored Awards
  • You can search for Awards by Award/Parent ID, Project, Dept ID, and/or PI/Manager