WebLinks, the financial reporting system for the old Account Fund Profile (AFP) chart of accounts (COA), provides historical data reporting (through February 2014). Datasets in WebLinks have been static since February 2014, when the AFP COA was replaced by the current COA in March 2014. Data prior to July 2013 were not converted to the current chart of accounts and are not available in PeopleSoft Financials.
In conjunction with the 2022 retirement of WebLinks, select historical AFP datasets are available in MyReports. See How to Access and Run WebLinks Reports in MyReports for step-by-step instructions to filter and run these reports. Access is limited to staff who need historical data reporting prior to February 2014 and can be requested by contacting the Controller's Office Solution Center.
Reports with Filter Pages
- Asset Management Report: Provides detailed information about capitalized assets as of February 2014.
- Distribution of Payroll Expense Report: Provides detailed payroll transactions, including gross earnings and UC-paid benefits, processed through PPS between July 1997 and February 2014.
- General Ledger Summary Report: Displays general ledger balances by account type with additional sort and sub-total options; data available between July 1997 and February 2014.
- General Ledger Transaction Detail Report: Provides a complete picture of all transactions in asset, liability, unexpended balance, revenue, and expenditure NCAs; data available between July 1997 and February 2014.
- COA Conversion Matrix: Provides mapping information between Account Fund Profile (AFP) chart of accounts (COA) and the current UCSF COA coding structure.
Inquiry Reports
Inquiry reports provide a way to look up codes and related information for the following AFP chartfield attributes:
- Department Tree
- DPA/Fund
- DPA/Fund/FY
- Fund
- NCA Group
- Program Code