Article Contents
Employee Tax Forms
Using GLACIER for Non-resident Alien Tax Compliance
Campus Tax Information
UCSF Foundation Tax Information
Sales and Use Tax
Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
Miscellaneous Income
GL Monthly Schedule
UCSF's chart of accounts (COA) is the coding structure that defines operations in financial terms. The COA serves as the foundation of the general ledger. The UCSF chartstring is a 38-character coding string that consists of 8 individual "blocks", or segments, called chartfields. The chartfields...
This guide describes how to determine if your purchase qualifies for a partial sales and use tax exemption.
Use the following guidelines to ensure journal submissions include appropriate supporting documentation for the most commonly prepared journal types.
A SpeedType is a 6 to 10 character shortcut key which can be used in many transactional systems including BearBuy, Connexxus, MyCores, and MyExpense. Establishment and use of SpeedTypes is recommended for situations where some system users (such as BearBuy Requesters and MyExpense self-...
The fiscal year-end close process is required to prepare the general ledger accounts for financial statement presentation and for the start of the next accounting process.
Establishing a New Petty Cash Custodian, Setting up a Petty Cash or Change Fund, Replenishing Petty Cash Funds, Change of Custodian for an Existing Fund, Decreasing Petty Cash or Change Funds, Terminating a Petty Cash or Change Fund
If a bank certification letter is required, provide the remitter with a copy of the corresponding Bank of America Account/Routing Number Confirmation Letter confirming bank information needed to accept incoming Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) into the following bank accounts:
This article outlines procedures for handling the most common types of payments received by campus departments.
This guide outlines how to submit stipend requests.
UCSF Building Codes
Article Contents
Process Ownership
Life Cycle Outcomes
Reference Documents
UCSF equipment custody codes
General Ledger (GL) verification is a key control of UCSF and is a requirement per Campus Administrative Policies.
Department (also referred to as Dept ID) chartfield is a 6-character alphanumeric value which identifies the organizational unit involved in transaction or responsible for resource. Departments are seen as “Cost Centers” whose managers are responsible for all its associated costs and for ensuring...
The Project chartfield is a 7-character alphanumeric value which assists in uniquely identifying and tracking charges to a discrete set of activities, initiatives or projects. The focus of a Project is tracking an activity or a specified purpose. The Project is often associated with a person that...
The Fund chartfield is a 4-character alphanumeric value which identifies source of money. Fund identifies the source of financial support and demonstrates restrictions imposed by the governing board or in accordance with regulations, restrictions, or limitations imposed by sources outside the...