Financial Services Director - Payroll
Management Contact
The Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97) signed into law on December 22, 2017 changed the taxability of some non-cash awards and other gifts provided to employees. If an award or gift (or portion of an award or gift) is taxable, applicable income tax withholding and FICA taxes will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck.
All new Form I-9 and I-9 changes must be entered into Tracker I-9 Complete. You must complete Historical Section 3 in Tracker I-9 Complete when an employee:
Occasionally, a department may hire an employee who will be paid by the University yet will not physically work at the University. Regardless of where employees perform their duties, everyone employed within the United States must complete a Form I-9. The employee must also complete the University of California State Oath of Allegiance, Patent Policy, and Patent Acknowledgement Form (UPAY 585).
Complete details on how to review and approve a timesheet with multiple appointments are included in this job aid.
Employees, including student employees, who occupy multiple appointments (i.e., have more than one job and/or supervisor) should follow the procedures outlined in this job aid to enter and edit time and to complete (submit) timesheets for approval.
This job aid explains modifications made to HBS to comply with the arbitration agreement between the University of California (UC) and the California Nurses Association (CNA).
Earnings statements for earnings issued prior to UCSF's implementation of UCPath are available online via At Your Service Online (AYSO). Information on how to view, print earnings statements, and reset your AYSO password is available below. Online earnings statements on AYSO provide information for the pay period selected and year to date totals.
In UCPath, hourly-paid biweekly MSP Physicians are assigned an individual position number for each base and non-base pay rate on which they were paid in the legacy payroll system. This change will impact how hourly-paid MSP Physicians must record their time in HBS in order to receive correct payment. This job aid contains four important things to consider when completing a biweekly Staff Physician timesheet in HBS after UCPath goes live on June 1, 2020.
On-cycle Payment Off-cycle Payments Expedited Pay through Pay Card Expedited Pay by Accounts Payable Check
Eligible employees earn vacation leave on a biweekly or monthly basis. For employees paid biweekly, vacation pay is recorded in the same earnings period as the leave is taken. For employees paid monthly, vacation pay is recorded in arrears. To accomplish the proper recording of leave for monthly paid employees, the UCPath Prior Period Leave Redistribution program “looks back” to retrieve the funding in effect at the time the leave was taken. The program then charges the corresponding chartstring(s) for the leave and credits the “reg-like” pay chartstring(s).
Beginning January 1, 2023 Senate Bill 1334 (SB 1334) introduced new missed meal and missed break rules for employees providing direct patient care or supporting direct patient care in general acute care hospitals, clinics, or public health settings. This job aid explains the HBS Pay Codes used for missed meals and breaks, and how to enter them in HBS.
This guide explains how timesheet approvers and managers can use HBS Manager Reports to monitor timesheet completion and approval within their assigned Timesheet Groups (TSG) and/or Management Groups (MG).
This course provides an overview of all standard functionality in UCPath. It is intended as a prerequisite for all new transactional users of the UCPath system, including funding entry and salary cost transfer users.
This introduction to the UCPath PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface (Fluid UI) provides a general navigation overview for all UCPath transactors and demonstrates the features you can use to navigate to the menus and pages most commonly used by those with UCPath initiator, approver, and inquiry roles at UCSF. Duration: 10 Minutes
This course provides an overview of the UCPath Help site. It explains how to access the site, as well as how to navigate and search the site to locate learning and support resources for the UCPath.
This course introduces two key UCPath concepts: Positions and Funding Entry. It is intended for department managers, administrators, and anyone interested in learning more about key UCPath concepts.
This course prepares Salary Cost Transfer Initiators to look up, enter, and submit salary cost transfers using UCPath. It also prepares Salary Cost Transfer Approvers to review and approve salary cost transfer transactions.
All UCSF employees are strongly encouraged to set up electronic direct deposit to receive their payroll earnings by direct deposit to up to three bank accounts on payday. Employees will enjoy several advantages when using this preferred payment method:
UCPath is the University of California's human resources, academic personnel, benefits, and payroll system for all UC employees systemwide. UCPath assists the Payroll Office in ensuring that all UCSF employees are paid in a timely and accurate manner that complies with State, Federal and University of California procedures and regulations, and that all payroll and benefit expenses are properly recorded in the University’s accounting systems. UCPath was implemented on June 1, 2020, and replaced UCSF's legacy Online Personnel and Payroll System (OLPPS).
An expense transfer is commonly used to correct the recording of a cost from an incorrect to a correct chartstring. There are separate processes for payroll expense transfers and non-payroll expense transfers. In conjunction with the transition to UCPath, UCSF's payroll expense transfer processes have changed.
UCSF uses The Work Number to provide employment and income verifications for employees. The Work Number is a secure, automated service providing employees with the ability to quickly deliver proof of employment or income to authorized verifiers. The Work Number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement #47 requires two classification types of termination benefits – voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary termination benefits include inducements to hasten separation from employment or as a result of voluntary termination. Involuntary termination benefits include benefits provided as a direct result of an involuntary termination. These guidelines provide information to help departments assign Description of Service (DOS) codes to voluntary and involuntary termination benefits paid to employees through the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS). The Guidelines apply to termination payments made to employees in all personnel groups, including SMG, MSP, and PSS.
Take action UCSF employees use UCPath online to view and make changes to tax withholding allowances, health and welfare benefits, and personal and contact information. You can also view and print your earnings statements and Form W-2s for earnings issued on or after June 1, 2020. At Your Service Online (AYSO) continues to be available to view/print historical (prior to UCPath implementation) paycheck information and W-2 forms.
If you lost your paper paycheck, have a damaged paycheck, or have a paycheck more than 180 days old, please contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center for assistance. Review Options for Receiving Missed Pay if you did not receive your paycheck or were not paid in full. To Request a Replacement Check Employees that have misplaced a check are asked to wait 2 business days to see if the original check can be found.
Paychecks for UCSF employees will be issued from UCPath beginning with the June 1, 2020 payday for monthly employees and the June 10, 2020 payday for biweekly employees. Electronic earnings statements for prior pay issued from UCSF's legacy payroll system continue to be available in At Your Service Online (AYSO). To access your earnings statement using UCPath online:
Each month, if a payroll transaction attempts to post to a chartstring that is not at a posting level, the transaction will route to the Payroll Suspense Account. These payroll transactions are commonly referred to as “in suspense”. To keep the General Ledger and Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) report in sync, departments must use a salary cost transfer to move salary and benefits in suspense to a valid posting chartstring. Departments are also responsible for working with their Funding Entry Initiator in a timely manner to correct future position funding distributions and prevent continued suspended payroll transactions.
UCSF employees use Huntington Business Systems (HBS) to submit hours and request leave. Managers, in addition to entering their own time and leave requests, use HBS to review, edit, and approve timesheets and leave requests for their employees, review employee leave balances, and reset passwords. This job aid visually explains completion of these tasks in HBS.
This guide explains how to create sub-TSGs and assign the desired employees and approver to each sub-group.
This job aid visually explains the methods available to log into HBS.
This guide provides a visual overview of the basic features for all employees, and how to quickly submit timesheets that do not need to be changed in any way.
This document explains how biweekly paid employees can enter and edit time prior to submitting a timesheet.
This job aid details how to request and enter leave on both monthly and biweekly timesheets.
UCSF employees use Huntington Business Systems (HBS) to submit hours and request leave. If a timesheet submission deadline is missed, the un-submitted timesheet is retained along with all previously submitted timesheets in HBS History. Employees are paid regardless of approval status of their timesheet at the time the pay period closes. However, employees should still review and submit the timesheet. This job aid explains the process of accessing and submitting an HBS History timesheet for employees. Managers, see the HBS for Managers job aid for information on approving history timesheets once submitted by employees.
A foreign national is an individual who is not a citizen of the USA. For federal income tax purposes, foreign nationals are classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as either resident or nonresident aliens. Foreign nationals receiving payments from the University are required to have a GLACIER record. GLACIER is a secure online Nonresident Alien (NRA) tax compliance system that foreign individuals use to provide their immigrant and tax data to UCSF. GLACIER helps determine tax residency, withholding rates, and federal income tax treaty eligibility. GLACIER also manages NRA paperwork, maintains NRA data, and prepares tax forms and required statements.
A Salary Key is a single-use, six-digit code that you can provide to a verifier as consent to access your income information. In most cases, your consent is provided at the point of application for a service (for example, when you sign a loan application or similar agreement), and in these cases, a Salary Key is not required. A Salary Key is never required for verification of employment; it may be required for verification of income. If you are asked to provide a Salary Key, use the instructions in this job aid to log on to The Work Number® and generate a Salary Key to provide to your income verifier.
Answers to questions about W-2 forms.
The goal of this guide is to explain the biweekly payroll accrual process in greater detail, including how to identify biweekly payroll accrual transactions within financial reports.
UCSF uses the web-based application Tracker I-9 Complete for Form I-9 and E-Verify processes for UCSF employees.
Information for prospective and current postdocs, postdoc alumni, and faculty mentors is available on the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars website. In the Controller's Office:
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Article Contents E-Verify Background and Implementation Responsibilities of the Federal Contractor Employing F-1 Students on Optical Practical Training Where to Learn More E-Verify Background and Implementation
University of California employees are not legally entitled to receive more money than they earned for each pay period. When an employee has been overpaid, an overpayment recovery plan is established to provide a method by which the overpayment can be recovered.
This course prepares Funding Entry Initiators to look up, enter, update, and submit funding distributions using UCPath. It also prepares Funding Entry Approvers to review and approve funding entry transactions.
UCSF Employer Contribution Rates for Employee Benefits Appearing in the Distribution of Payroll Expense Report
For Employees on a Monthly Timesheet
Payroll Processing Schedule Payroll Schedule - 2025 Pay Cycle Pay Date Pay Period Begin Pay Period End Funding Entry Deadline (by 7pm) Pay Confirm Accounting Period Journal Posts to the GL Pay Period Available in MyReports Note M0 Thursday, January 2, 2025 Sunday, December 1, 2024
Use this form to notify Payroll when an employee receives a taxable non-cash award or gift as described in UC Policy G-41, Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts.
The Payroll One-Time Payment Template is used to pay mass non-recurring flat dollar amounts.
This template facilitates mass funding uploads to the delivered UCPath Department Budget tables in order to adhere to UC’s academic pay requirements and salary cap regulations. See the Instructions tab in the template for guidance on completing the template.
The GLACIER setup Form is used to provide information to GLACIER Admin Team and your foreign individual so that complete and accurate information is entered into the GLACIER system.
Use this form to obtain employee authorization to receive pay via an Accounts Payable check when the employee did not receive full payment on their scheduled pay date. This pay option may only be used when: an exceptional pay circumstance has been identified, and all other UCPath provided options (on-cycle, off-cycle, instant pay card) have been exhausted, and the employee has been consulted and has given signed consent. For further guidance, review additional information on options for receiving missed pay.
All employees of the UC Regents (except for non-U.S. citizens) are required to complete the State Oath of Allegiance section of the form on or before their first day of employment. All employees, regardless of their citizenship status are required to complete the Patent Acknowledgement. Note that while Form I-9s are handled online in Tracker I-9 Complete, you must still complete the State Oath of Allegiance, Patent Policy, and Patent Authorization (UPAY 585) using the paper form.
Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States.
This form is to help UCSF withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes. You can provide this information electronically by logging into UCPath online.
This form is to help UCSF withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.
This form assists Payroll Services in determining the tax withholding for an individual who works and lives in a state other than California.
To replace a lost, damaged or stale dated paycheck.
Used primarily for supplementing time in current pay period due to late or incorrect pay distributions. Employee was hired too late to generate automatic or current pay. Also used to pay intercampus employees for time worked at other campus locations to be paid at home campus.
Used primarily for all expense transfers of payroll originating in PPS and contained within the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DPE) Report in MyReports. It cannot be used to transfer charges from a non-capped fund to an NIH-capped fund or to only change the activity period or sub-account. Instructions for use are located in the first tab of the excel file.
Used primarily to pay the difference in pay rates only. If there are changes to any other fields, such as chart string, title code, percent/time worked, description of service, period end dates, DO NOT USE THIS FORM.
Used primarily for adjusting previous time reporting due to retroactive changes or errors in time submission.
A one-time intercampus payment is required when an employee at one campus (home campus) is eligible to receive a payment originating from another campus (host campus) for an event or service of short duration.
Required when an employee at one campus (home campus) is eligible to receive a payment originating from another campus (host campus) for a short or long term duration.
Only University employees, including staff, faculty and other academics, are required to sign the Oath
Administrative delay rush check payments are to pay employees who did not receive pay on their regularly scheduled payday due to late notice, miscalculated pay or processing errors.
Administrative delay rush check payments are to pay employees who did not receive pay on their regularly scheduled payday due to late notice, miscalculated pay or processing errors.
UCSF employees now use UCPath online to complete voluntary self-identification information. Review the Guided Self-Identification Information software simulation to see, try, or print the steps needed to complete this information in UCPath online (MyAccess login required). Visit the Get Help page of the UCPath at UCSF website if you need further assistance.
The CTO Election Form is used to indicate the employee’s option to ‘bank’ compensatory time; the default is to have compensatory time paid out.
Used when transferring payroll expenses from a non-capped to a NIH-capped project. U2C-PETU should not be used to transfer expenses that can currently be transferred using the original PETU
UCSF's Composite Benefit Rate (CBR) (opens in new window) agreement is applicable to all federal and non-federal sponsors, and sponsors should adhere to the full rates. However, a benefit cost transfer may be required when a sponsor has placed restrictions on allowable benefits costs and all — or a portion of — benefits charges must be transferred off of a project. All benefit cost transfers are performed by Contracts and Grants Accounting and processed using UCPath.
Submit a benefits premium payment by credit card to the UCSF Payroll Office while you are on leave
Last month, the UCPath Center postponed the new final pay process pilot go-live. This delay will allow for a comprehensive evaluation of feedback from pilot locations, possible enhancements, and the development of next steps to address any outstanding concerns for a successful go-live. UCPath is working with pilot locations to determine new testing and release dates. About the New Final Pay Process
UCPath recently identified and corrected an error affecting certain salary cost transfer.
Review plans to address the posting of expenses to department chartstrings.
Review the phased approach to correcting salary cost transfers.
In February 2025, UCSF will pilot a new final pay process in UCPath, along with a few UC campus locations. The process will streamline payments by compressing the timeline to one day, with payments issued via direct deposit. The new final pay process will enable UCSF to efficiently process final pay for employees while ensuring compliance with California Labor Code 202. Additionally, it will help reduce the manual workload for our UCPath partners involved in processing final pay requests. Please note that the following items are not included in this pilot and will be addressed in a future UCPath roadmap enhancement phase:
Review journal posting dates and funding entry deadlines
Update your information in UCPath in time for tax season.
It’s been one year since the UCPath Center implemented the redesigned salary cost transfer (SCT) process. This initiative aimed to streamline and improve the previous direct retro (DR) process and introduced several key enhancements designed to benefit transactors across the University of California system. Upon the initial launch, a backlog of enhancement requests was identified for a future phase. In response, UCPath initiated Phase 2 of the SCT redesign in September 2024. The primary goal of this phase is to further enhance the SCT solution to be more user-friendly and to address deferred requirements, including those related to restricted, unrestricted, work-study, and MCOP components from Phase 1. Phase 2 Implementation Timeline:
Go paperless before January deadlines to receive tax documents electronically.
Plan accordingly for early timekeeping deadlines.
UCSF Health employees who earn paid time off (PTO) and have a balance that is above 75 percent of their maximum accrual will receive a payout in December 2024. The maximum accrual is two times an employee's annual accrual rate; the payout will return eligible employees to 75 percent of their maximum. The payout will be based on each employee's PTO balance as of December 7, 2024. It will not consider future committed leave.
Plan accordingly for early timekeeping deadlines.
Take action now to review and update your information.
UCSF Health employees who earn paid time off (PTO) and maintain a balance exceeding 75 percent of their maximum accrual will receive a payout in December 2024. The maximum accrual is twice an employee's annual accrual rate, and the payout will adjust eligible employees’ balances to 75 percent of their maximum. The payout will be calculated based on each employee's PTO balance as of December 7, 2024. It will not consider future committed leave.
Take action by October 4, 2024 to approve leave requests before the next payout.
Review an important timekeeping update recently shared with all employees.
As part of the July 2024 release, UCPath introduced enhanced features that align with the University of California Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy. These updates support our diversity initiatives and are designed to better represent and respect gender identity, sexual orientation, and pronouns across our university system. Upon your first login to UCPath on or after July 15, 2024, you will be directed through a process to verify and update your personal identification preferences. Employees must update their selections or decline self-identification before accessing self-service features in UCPath.
Effective July 1, 2024, payment processing for Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) Fellows and Trainees transitioned from the Controller's Office student stipend desk to UCPath. As part of this transition, UCPath has been configured so that Composite Benefit Rate (CBR) assessments will not be calculated for payments to GSRs in the following job codes:
Review changes to "Earn End Date" values in the Distribution of Payroll Expense Report.
UCPath will be unavailable from 5 p.m. on Friday, July 12, through 6 a.m. on Monday, July 15, 2024.
Going forward office hours will be offered as needed.
Funding Entry Initiators can consult a new job aid (opens in new window) that addresses two common scenarios for handling funding entry for Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP) faculty supported by 19xx state funds. UCSF guidelines restrict the use of state sources for salary support above Scale 0 for HSCP faculty. UCPath does not currently provide warnings or error messages to enforce this restriction, and departments are responsible for ensuring that funding entry is correct and allowable at the time of funding entry and approval.
Processing deadlines for salary cost transfers, direct retros, and funding entry for the end of fiscal year 2023-2024.
Find dates, deadlines, and actions to take to prepare for the 2023-2024 fiscal year-end funding rollover process.
Review salary cost transfer dates and reminders to avoid delays during year-end processing